
高校图书馆微信信息计量分析 被引量:13

Informetrics Analysis for WeChat Information of Academic Library
摘要 利用Python语言编写的数据采集系统对我国高校图书馆微信号推送的海量文章信息进行采集,通过运用信息计量学相关理论(如信息统计、共现分析、耦合分析等),使用自编程序对采集的数据进行处理,得到了各图书馆微信号推送文章数、平均阅读数、平均点赞数、单篇推送文章传播指数、推送文章标题的高频分词共现矩阵、基于分词结果的图书馆耦合矩阵,并将其可视化以易于理解。通过深入分析这些数据揭示了目前国内图书馆微信号推广的现状和微信号推送文章的内容、特征、规律以及存在的问题。结果表明,微信已经成为目前国内高校图书馆重要的宣传推广工具。图书馆应该针对微信号推广和微信号推送文章内容选择中存在的问题,着力从制定考评激励机制、加大微信号宣传力度、提高微信号推送文章价值、强化微信号推送文章乐趣、增强用户情感体验等方面提升图书馆微信号推广效果和微信号推送文章质量。 Articles' information pushed by academic libraries' WeChat accounts are collected via the data collection program based on Python language as the sample data in this paper. By employing the theories of Informetrics, such as information statistics, co-word analysis, coupling analysis et. al, the amount of WeChat' s articles, average readings, average praises as well as STCI (Single Tweets Communication Index), co-segmentation matrix of article's title and institution coupling matrix have been obtained and visualized in order to make an easy understanding. Through in-depth analysis of these data, this paper reveals the current situation and features of domestic academic libraries WeChat accounts, as well as the rules and problems of pushed articles. The results show that WeChat has become a new promotion tool for domestic academic libraries already. To enhance the promotion performances of WeOhat and the quality of pushed articles, all the libraries should focus on the incentive evaluation mechanism, and increase propaganda of the WeChat accounts, improve the quality and interest- ingness of the WeChat's articles and the users' emotional experience.
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期49-58,88,共11页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
关键词 图书馆 微信 数据采集 信息计量 共现 耦合 Library WeChat Data crawling Informetrics Co-occurrence analysis Coupling analysis
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