

Triple Derivations of the Algebra of upper Triangular Matrice Over a Commutative Ring
摘要 为进一步研究导子,给出了三次导子的概念,并利用其在矩阵基上的作用,将含有单位元的交换环上上三角矩阵代数的任意一个三次导子分解为内导子、倍乘映射之和,推广了导子的概念. To study the problem of derivations, this paper defines the notion of triple erivation. Acting to the basis of an algebra, this paper proves that each triple derivation of the algebra of upper triangular matrice can be written as the sum of an inner drivation and a timing mapping. Generalizesthe notion of derivations to a more general case.
作者 周丽丽
出处 《枣庄学院学报》 2017年第5期58-61,共4页 Journal of Zaozhuang University
关键词 上三角矩阵代数 导子 三次导子 可换环 upper triangular matrices algebra derivation triple derivation commutative ring
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