
论P2P共享服务提供者的刑事责任——以快播案为视角 被引量:11

The Criminal Responsibility of P2P Sharing Service Providers:Taking the Case of People's Procuratorate of Haidian District,Beijing Municipality v.Shenzhen QVOD Technology Co.,Ltd.as an Example
摘要 P2P共享服务提供者是网络时代的新型犯罪主体。在定罪路径方面,应当区分评价P2P共享与P2P缓存,具体分析集中式与分散式两种网络架构类型,充分运用违法用途与合法用途的比例衡量、是否实施违法用途的鼓励行为、阻止违法用途的成本三个标准,判断具有中立属性的P2P共享服务提供者的可罚性。在罪责根据上,依照以成本效益、责任能力、"守门人"理论为内容的政策型次生责任的法理,P2P共享服务提供者在罪责分担中具有次生性的责任,特别是在直接行为人(P2P共享网络用户)数量庞大根本难以确认具体责任人的情况下,为更好地实现刑罚目的,间接行为人(P2P共享服务提供者)应当承担次生责任,但是,在处罚限度上,与直接行为人的直接责任相比,间接行为人次生责任的承担在刑事政策上应当受到限制。 P2P sharing service providers have become a new type of subjects of crime in the Internet age. With respect to the approach to conviction, China should distinguish be- tween P2P sharing and P2P cache, carry out in-depth study of decentralized and centralized net- work structures, and make judgment on the punishability of P2P sharing, which has a neutral attribute, by applying the following three criteria: first, the proportion between legal and illegal uses of technical equipment; second, whether the technical equipment provider commits a spe- cific act of encouraging illegal use ; and third, the cost of specific measures taken by the techni- cal equipment provider to prevent illegal uses. However, according to the principle of secondary responsibility, the scope of the punishment of P2P sharing should be limited. According to the principle of policy-based secondary responsibility, which takes cost-effectiveness, capacity for liability and "gatekeeper" as its main content, P2P sharing responsibility is a secondary respon- sibility. On one hand, the direct actor should bear legal responsibility if it is not a decentralized individual, but a large network company or another rich site or if it is a decentralized individual that is easy to verify. On the other hand, the more decentralized the architecture of the network platform, or the more social responsibility the network platform bears, the less likely the net- work platform as an indirect actor bears legal responsibility.
作者 高磊
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期81-96,共16页 Global Law Review
基金 2015年度江苏省社会科学基金重大项目"把握互联网‘最大变量’核心问题研究"(14ZD003) 2016年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目"<刑法修正案(九)>新增网络犯罪的相对主义司法适用研究"(KYZZ16_0106)的研究成果
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