
大学英语教学改革形势下英文电影在大学英语视听说教学中的应用 被引量:1

Application of English Movies in College English Teaching on Viewing, Listening and Speaking under the Background of College English Teaching Reform
摘要 近年来,大学英语教学改革备受关注,大学英语视听说教学在培养学生听说能力与跨文化交际能力上也需要有所创新。英文原版电影是视听说课程中一种非常有效的教学资源。本文主要探讨了在大学英语视听说教学中融入英文原版电影的优点及方法。大学英语教师应注意合理选择英文电影材料,根据教学目的与重点采取多样化的教学方式,充分利用配音应用及网络引导学生进行电影片段配音,促进学生听力口语学习。 In recent years, college English teaching reform has received much attention from educators. In order to cultivate stu- dents' listening and speaking ability and cross-cultural communication ability, innovation is required in college English teaching on viewing, listening and speaking. English movies are effective teaching resources in course on viewing, hstening and speaking. This paper mainly explores the advantages and methods of applying English movies to college English teaching on viewing, listening and speaking. College English teachers should choose English movies rationally, adopt various teaching methods according to the teaching purposes, and make full use of dubbing APPs and the Internet to promote students' study of English listening and speaking.
作者 马雯
出处 《四川工商学院学术新视野》 2017年第3期23-26,共4页 Academic New Vision of Sichuan Technology and Business University
关键词 大学英语 视听说教学 英文电影 大学英语教学改革 College English Teaching on Viewing, Listening and Speaking English Movies College English Teaching Reform
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