
中国不同地区剩余臭氧及臭氧探空订正因子 被引量:1

Residual Ozone and Ozonesonde Correction Factor over Different Sites of China
摘要 根据中国不同地点臭氧探空数据,研究气球炸点臭氧浓度定值(CMR)法、卫星(SBUV和MLS)纬向平均法确定的剩余臭氧Ω_(res)及其对订正因子C_(ref)的影响,同时检验臭氧垂直分布对C_(ref)的贡献.结果显示:CMR法对气球炸点高度依赖性明显,且易高估Ω_(res)使C_(ref)整体低于100%;卫星纬向平均Ω_(res)对气球炸点高度不敏感,但在中国东部的臭氧总量高值区或青藏高原及低纬度臭氧低值地区,Ω_(res)呈现近10DU以上低值,这是经向臭氧总量及其垂直分布差异在卫星遥感数据上的反映.地面到100hPa的对流层臭氧(Ω_(tro)),100~10hPa的平流层臭氧(Ω_(str))以及10hPa以上的Ω_(res)对C_(ref)贡献平均分别为(16±3.4)%,(65±2.3)%,(19±3.3)%.表明基于C_(ref)评估或订正探空仪平流层臭氧测值时,需考虑对流层臭氧及确定Ω_(res)方法的影响.卫星纬向平均法,特别是近似实测的SBUV臭氧廓线的值适用于确定Ω_(res). Residual ozone Ω(res) is the integrated column ozone from the balloon bursting altitude,which is generally from 30-5hPa, to the top of atmosphere. The ozonesonde correction factor Cref is the ratio of total column ozone Ω, which is precisely observed by ground or spacebased spectrophotometer, to the summery of Ω(ecc) and Ω(res)·Ω(ecc) is the integrated ozonesonde data from ground to the balloon bursting altitude. Cref is applied to assess and correct the stratospheric ozonesonde data with the well qualified Ω. Based on the sporadic Electrochemical Concentration Cell(ECC) ozonesonde data observed at different sites of China, Ω(res) deduced by the Constant Mixing Ratio(CMR) and satellite zonal mean(including SBUV and MLS tables) are presented, and the impact of Ω(res) on C(ref)is investigated. The contributions of ozone vertical distribution to Cref are also analyzed, and appropriate method to quantify Ω(res) is proposed through the Cref comparisons. Ω(res) deduced by CMR method is sensitive to the balloon-bursting altitude, and is frequently overestimated. As a result,Cref is generally less than 100%. Ω(res) deduced by the satellite zonal mean method is not sensitive to the balloon-bursting altitude. However, Cref is lower than about-10 DU in two regions. One region is in east of China, such as Longfengshan in Heilongjiang province and Beijing, which is high total column ozone; the other region is Tibetan plateau and other low latitude districts including Hong Kong, which is low column ozone. The satellite zonally underestimated Ω(res) reflects the longitude dependence of real atmospheric ozone over China. The tropospheric column ozone Ω(tro) from the surface to 100 hPa, stratospheric column ozone Ω(str) from 100 to 10 hpa and Ω(res) to Cref account16%±3.4%, 65%±2.3%, 19%±3.3%, respectively. Therefore,it is necessary to consider the effects from Ω(tro) and Ω(res) on the evaluation or correction stratospheric ozone measured by ozonesonde if Cref is used. The satellite zonal mean method is generally recommended, especially the Ω(res) obtained when it is very close to the quasi real-time SBUV data. However, as the balloon bursting altitude above 10 hPa, the conventional CMR method is also recommended for the two regions including north of east and north in China(winter and summer) —the high total ozone region, and Hong Kong(summer, autumn and winter), Tibetan plateau(summer) —the low total ozone region. It can weaken a system underestimation of Cref if the satellite deduced Ω(res) is used.
作者 郑向东 田宏民 刘梦琪 ZHENG Xiangdong TIAN Hongmin LIU Mengqi(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081 College of Electronic Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225)
出处 《空间科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期564-573,共10页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 公益性气象行业专项项目资助(GYHY201106041)
关键词 臭氧探空 剩余臭氧 订正因子 CMR法 卫星纬向平均 Ozonesonde Residual ozone Correction factor Constant Mixing Ratio(CMR) method Satellite-zonal mean
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