Objective To study histological and anatomical features of pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater and myelin sheath of lower cranial nerves through jugular foramen. Methods Nine ( 18 sides) fetal full-term cadaverie heads (28 -36 weeks ) were randomly divided into 3 groups and each group included 6 sides. The sagittal, horizontal and coronal plane slices were manufactured containing lower cranial nerves through jugular foramen, which were fixed, dehydrated, wax dipped, embedded, sliced and stained by the Masson method. The starting and ending positions as well as distribution of related pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater and myelin sheath were observed under surgical microscope. The meningeal structures underwent three-dimensional reconstruction using the software of Mimics 10.0. Results The lower cranial nerves went though jugular foramen, where dura mater, araehnoid mater, pia mater and the transitional zone between central myelin sheath and peripheral myelin sheath were observed. Dura mater included meningeal layer and periosteal layer, formed a dura pocket at jugular foramen and a dura fold above the inner orifice. Arachnoid mater extended to superior ganglia and looked like sleeves which disappeared past ganglia. Pia mater clung to medulla oblongata where nerve roots were and disappeared after that. Conclusions The microanatomy of meningeal structures of lower cranial nerves could be visually demonstrated with Mimics 10.0 software, which provides anatomical information for related disorders and operations based on layers and interfaces of meningeal structures.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery