
甘肃枸杞镰孢菌根腐病病原鉴定及优势病原菌生物学特性 被引量:14

Identification and Biological Characteristics of Dominant Pathogens of Lycium bararum Root Rot in Gansu Province
摘要 为了明确甘肃省枸杞根腐病病原种类、生态分布和优势病原菌的生物学特性,于2013年和2014年采集甘肃省各枸杞主产区根腐病患病植株样品,分离纯化后进行形态和分子鉴定,统计分离到的各主产区的病原种类,并对优势病原菌的适宜生长温度、光照条件、pH和碳氮源进行了研究。结果共分离到260株镰孢菌菌株,其中GSJT7-2和GSJY8-1分离频率分别为66.15%和26.92%,属优势种;将2株镰孢菌进行EF-1α基因序列分析及对比,菌株GSJT7-2(登录号:KM457089)与腐皮镰孢菌(Fusarium solani),GSJY8-1(登录号:KM457093)与尖镰孢菌(F.oxysporium)同源性达99%,在系统发育树中聚在一起,分别将它们的分类地位初步确定为腐皮镰孢菌和尖镰孢菌。甘肃各产区病原菌分离种类和频率有较大差异,靖远县以尖镰孢菌为主,占82.89%;其余采集地均以腐皮镰孢菌为主,均占80%以上。腐皮镰孢菌GSJT7-2和尖镰孢菌GSJY8-1在10~40℃内均能生长,最适温度分别为35℃和25℃,最适pH为8~9和8,均在12 h光暗交替条件下生长最快,供试碳氮源中GSJT7-2和GSJY8-1对蔗糖和Na NO3利用效果最好。 The purpose of this paper was to detect the pathogen species and the ecological distribution of root rot disease of Lycium bararum in Gansu Province,and to understand the biological characteristics( growth temperature,sunshine conditions,pH value and carbon and nitrogen sources) of dominant pathogens. Samples of diseased L. bararum roots were collected in the main L. bararum producing areas in Gansu Province in 2013 and 2014. The pathogens were isolated and purified on PDA agar for morphological and molecular identification. Results showed that 260 strains of Fusarium were isolated. The isolation frequencies of GSJT7-2 and GSJY8-1 strains,the dominant isolates,were66. 15% and 26. 92% respectively. The EF-1 alpha gene sequences of GSJT7-2 and GSJY8-1 were analyzed,and the phylogenetic tree was constructed. The results revealed that the tested isolations of GSJT7-2( Gen Bank accession number: KM457089) and GSJY8-1( Gen Bank accession number: KM457093) were clustered with F. solani and F.oxysporium,and their homologies were as high 99% and 99% respectively. The isolate types and frequencies of root rot disease in the main L. bararum producing areas in Gansu Province were different. F. oxysporum was the dominant pathogen in Jingyuan County,and its isolate frequency was 82. 89%. F. solani was the dominant pathogen in other main L. bararum producing areas in Gansu Province,and the isolate frequency was higher than 80%. Although F. solani strain GSJT7-2 and F. oxysporum strain GSJY8-1 could grow under temperature at 10-40 ℃,but their optimum temperatures were 35 ℃ and 25 ℃ respectively. The optimum pH values were 9 and 8. Twelve-hour alternation of light and darkness was the best for the growth of both F. solani and F. oxysporium,and Na NO3 was the best tested carbon and nitrogen sources for both GSJT7-2 and GSJY8-1 strains.
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1093-1100,共8页 Arid Zone Research
基金 甘肃省科技支撑项目(1304FKCA054) 甘肃中草药科技攻关项目(GYC11-01) 国家林业局"948"项目(2011-4-29)资助
关键词 枸杞根腐病 腐皮镰孢菌(Fusarium solani) 尖镰孢菌(F.oxysporium) EF-1α 生物学特性 甘肃 Lycium bararum root rot Fusarium solani F.oxysporum EF-1α biological characteristic Gansu Province
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