目的向医学研究生介绍SCI(Scientific Citation Index)论文写作投稿过程的一些套路和技巧,以增加其论文命中率。方法分别从文章命题、常见的学术不端行为、以及文章的架构布局等多个方面,阐述SCI论文写作中的注意事项及技巧。结果论文选题的新颖性和可持续性对文章发表至关重要。坚决抵制造假及剽窃,文章"灌水"和一稿两投等学术不端行为。写作或投稿前,仔细阅读杂志稿约,做到论文结构规范,布局合理。结论规范顺畅、准确恰当的语言表达,能使审稿人和读者迅速理解文章的主旨,利于文章的发表。
Objective To introduce some routines and techniques of Scientific Citation Index (SCI) papers writing to the medical graduate students, so as to increase their hit rate. Methods The basic principles in the publication of SCI papers were explored based on reviewing the current literature and recent medical education proceedings, as well as our experiences in this area. Results Some tips were proposed for medical graduate students which may be conducive to the preparation and publication of their manuscripts. Novelty and sustainability were extremely important for a paper with high quality. Ethical principles, such as being away from fraudulence, plagiarism and inadvertence, should be firmly obeyed. Formatting a manuscript in accordance with instructions to authors of the target journal is another determining factor for its acceptance. Conclusion Details in study design and manuscript preparation are absolutely necessary in the publication of a good quality scientific article.
Continuing Medical Education