In a stark contrast to the European Union, which is currently engu!fed in multiple crises and the most serious challenges since WWII, the international status of Germany continues to rise. Chancellor AngelaMerkel is heralded by Western media as "Europe's last leader standing to speak for what during the past seven decades we have known as the West."1 Germany has changed its previous ambiguous and restraint approach with regard to EU leadership, and now takes the initiative across the entire European continent, proclaiming publicly that "Germany will try its best to hold as much ground as possible--in the interests of all of Europe..
As the European Union is mired in multiple crises, Germany has been rebalancing its diplomatic priority and attempting to maintain a precarious balance between reaping the economic rewards of globalization and simultaneously promoting European integration. This could lead to an adjustment to Germany's pragmatic China policy, for which China has to make strategic preparations.