
“需求-目标-激励”一体化学校管理策略研究 被引量:3

School's Integrated Management Strategy Based on Teachers' “Needs-Aims-Stimulations”
摘要 如何挖掘教师潜能,是学校管理永恒的话题。当下我国学校管理存在忽视教师个体差异、强调制度约束力、激励形式和内容不适合教师需要等问题,破解这些问题需要了解影响教师潜能发挥的关键因素,并找到一种科学的管理策略。影响教师潜能发挥的关键因素包括制度的功能定位、目标针对性、激励策略实效性等因素,"‘需求-目标-激励’一体化管理"正是在问题及关键因素分析基础上建立起来的。"一体化"管理策略是一种基于教师发展目标需求和奖励需求而建立的人本化的管理策略和制度安排,它尊重教师自主权利,把发展目标和评价标准融为一体,以目标和奖励为两翼,关照目标层次与奖励层次的匹配,注重奖励形式与内容的多元,满足不同类型教师多元化需求。"一体化"管理策略遵循多元激励原则、多层结构原则、机会与结果平等原则、教师主体原则,操作程序包括组织、调查、制定方案、审定、认领、反馈、提升等步骤。 How to tap a teacher' s potential has been an eternal subject. School management at present has confronted many problems such as ignoring teachers' individual differences, emphasizing the constraining force of institutions, forms and contents of stimulations that do not meet teachers' needs, and so on. In order to solve the above problems, we need to study the key elements that affect teachers in bringing their potentials into full play and try to find a scientific management strategy. The key elements include the functional position of institutions, pertinence of aims, and the actual effects of the stimulation strategy. The integrated management strategy of "needs-aims-stimulations" is just built on the basis of the analyses of the problems and key elements. This strategy is a kind of humanization management and institutional arrangement based on the needs for teachers' aims of development and stimulations, emphasizing the respect for teachers' independent rights, and integrating teachers' aims of development and evaluation standards. This strategy links teachers' aims with prizes, keeping an eye on the matching of the levels of the alms and the degrees of prizes, laying emphasis on the diversifying needs of different types of teachers. The strategy follows the principle of multiple stimulations, the principle of multiple structures, the principle of equality the principle of taking teachers as the main body; the procedure ty of opportunity and result, for implementation includes organization, investigation, plan - making, examination and judgment, claiming, feedback, and improvement.
作者 张亮 Zhang Liang(School of Public Administration, Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong, 250014)
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第4期139-146,共8页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 需求 目标 激励 一体化管理 needs target stimulation integrated management
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