

Comparative Study on Ethanol Recovery from Two Purification Methods
摘要 以植物活性物质提取回收的乙醇为研究对象,选择活性炭吸附法和活性炭吸附-蒸馏法,通过改变活性炭投加量和超声时间来确定最佳实验条件。研究发现两种方法的最佳实验条件一致,均为活性炭投加量0.50g、超声时间25min,在此条件下,活性炭吸附-蒸馏法乙醇纯化率显著高于活性炭吸附法,其纯化率分别为10.70%、4.31%。因此可采用活性炭吸附-蒸馏法纯化实验中回收的乙醇,此方法可提高乙醇的利用率,实现资源节约。 Study of the ethanol recovered from plant active substances,Select Activated carbon adsorption method and activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon adsorption method and activated carbon adsorption-distillation method were used to determine the optimum experimental conditions by changing the dosage of activated carbon and ultrasonic time. The results showed that the best experimental conditions of the two methods were the same. Under the same conditions,the purification rate of ethanol in activated carbon adsorption-distillation method was significantly higher than that of activated carbon adsorption method,which could be used to purify ethanol recovered by activated carbon adsorption-distillation method.The dosage of activated carbon was 0.50 g and the ultrasonic time was 25 min,the purification rate was 4.31% and 10.70%.The method could improve the utilization rate of ethanol and realize resource saving.
作者 赵光楠 吴德东 ZHAO Guang-nan WU De-dong(Harbin Vocational&Technical College, Harbin 150081, China Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China)
出处 《黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报》 2017年第5期32-33,133,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang Vocational Institute of Ecological Engineering
关键词 活性炭 减压蒸馏 超声 纯化率 Activated carbon Vacuum distillation Ultrasound Purification rate
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