

Deduction and Induction in the Formalization of Context
摘要 在人工智能的语境形式化理论中,"局部原则"可以表达为"当前推理活动发生在当前语境当中",它是一条基本原则。在此原则下,语境形式化的过程理应包含两个步骤:(1)确认当前语境的生成要素;(2)建构包含全部生成要素且在演绎规则下封闭的域。显然,第一个步骤是归纳的,第二个则是演绎的。由于缺乏上述区分,造成了已有的理论适用范围受到限制。为应对这种局面而提出的"局部语义"通过将第二个步骤从形式化过程中分离出来,拓展了语境形式化的应用领域。 In formal theories of context in AI, the principle of locality, which can be summarized thus: "current ratiocination is in current context", is a fundamental principle. Under this principle, the process of formalizing context must involve two steps : ( 1 ) to identify the generating elements of current context, (2) to build the least do- main which is closed under local deductive rules and involving all generating elements. Obviously, the first step is inductive and the second is deductive. Existing formalizations don' t distinguish these two steps and thus their ranges of application are limited. Faced with this, local semantics is proposed, and used to separate the second step from the whole process.
作者 查非 任晓明 ZHA Fei REN Xiaoming(Philosophy College ,Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, Chin)
机构地区 南开大学哲学院
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期8-13,共6页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"现代归纳逻辑的新发展 理论前沿与认知研究"(15ZDB018)
关键词 语境形式化 局部语义 归纳 演绎 formalizing context local semantics induction deduction
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