供热发电机组的耗量特性是经济调度的基础 ,但供热汽轮机的工况图比较复杂 ,其实用性较差。在分析了汽轮机和锅炉耗量特性特点的基础上 ,利用辅助曲线、采用最小二乘法进行曲线拟合 ,建立了简单、准确和实用的数学模型 ,可用于发电厂内机组之间和电力系统的经济调度。
The consumption characteristics for heating generating units is based on the economic dispatching,but the characteristic curve of the steam consumption of an extraction is complicated and its application is weaker.By analyzing the consumption properties of a turbine and a boilre,a simple, accurate and applicable mathematic model is established with auxiliary curve and least square method,and it can be used between generating sets inside a power plant and in the economic dispatching of electric power systems.
Journal of Electric Power