目的对930例种植牙患者临床病例资料进行回顾性分析,评估影响其临床效果的因素。方法选择2004年4月至2015年12月郑州市口腔医院接受种植治疗的所有患者,记录患者年龄、性别、种植部位及术式、骨质的分类、修复的类型以及失败的相关因素,通过SPSS软件对其病例资料进行分析。结果 930例患者共植入种植体1 319颗,其中以女性较多,后牙区多于前牙区;下后牙种植所占比例最大,占39.6%。骨质以Ⅲ类为主,覆盖义齿修复46例。有10例患者共13枚种植体脱落,失败率为0.99%。结论种植牙患者中40~50岁的患者比例最高,多数病例是单牙缺失的种植治疗,种植覆盖义齿修复较少。将近50%的病例采用了种植外科技术。
Objective The clinical data of 930 dental implant patients were retrospectively analyzed to evaluate the factors in- fluencing the clinical outcomes of implants. Methods Patients who had been implanted in the Stomatology Hospital of Zheng- zhou were involved from January of 2005 to December of 2015. Patients' age, gender, implant site, surgical procedure, classifi- cation of bone, types of repair, and related factors of failure were recorded, the clinical data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results There were 1 319 implants implanted in 930 patients, 508 of the patients were women, and posterior teeth were implan- ted more than anterior teeth. The planting area were mainly in the Posterior mandible, which occupied 39. 6% of the total im- plants. Class Ⅲ bone accounted for the most part. There were only 46 cases treated by overdentures. A total of 10 patients with 13 implants fell off, accounted for 0. 99%. Conclusion The proportion between the ages of 40 to 50 is the highest, most of the cases are treated with single tooth implantation, and patients treated by overdenture are less. Planting surgical techniques are used in nearly 50% of the cases.
Henan Medical Research