From July 23 to 29, the 19th Internation- al Botanical Congress IIBC] was held in Shenzhen, China attracting around 7,000 botanical scholars and audiences, and over 100 exhibitors from all. over the world. The congress adopted 5 resolutions, among which the Shenzhen Declaration on PLant Sciences will stron.gly influence the future protection of plant diversity. The declara- tion endorsed seven priorities for strategic action in the plant sciences, such as to enhance support for the plant sciences and to cooperate and integrate across nations, and to connect the global community of plant scientists with the world's changing societies. Moreover, Deyuan Hong, acade- mician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was awarded the EngLer Medal in GoLd, and Peter H. Raven, worLd-wide famous botanist was awarded the first Shenzhen International Award in PLant Sciences 2017
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