

Routing Protocol Based on Depth-coordinate System Transformation in Underwater Sensor Network
摘要 为解决水下传感器网络中部分节点过早死亡的问题,在深度路由协议(DBR)的基础上,提出一种基于深度坐标系转换的路由协议(DSBR)。该协议将Sink节点到源节点的方向作为Z轴方向转换坐标系,并以此转换节点深度,使得节点在不同源节点和sink节点建立的坐标系中的深度不同,并在此基础上给出新的深度阈值方法,使得数据包朝着sink节点方向转发的同时,减少每一跳转发数据包的节点数量。仿真结果表明,DSBR协议在水下网络节点能量均衡化消耗和数据包投递率方面明显优于DBR协议。 To solve the problem of partial nodes premature death in the underwater sensor network,this paper proposes a Depth-coordinate System transformation Based Routing( DSBR) protocol,which is based on the Depth-based Routing( DBR) protocol. The DSBR protocol uses the direction from the sink node to the source node as the Z-axis to transform the node depth,which results in different node depth in different source node and sink node established coordinate systems. On this basis,a new method for depth threshold is proposed. The method enables packet forwarding direction toward the sink node,which further reduces the number of forwarding nodes in each hop packet. Simulation results show that DSBR protocol performs better than DBR in nodes’ energy equalization and packet delivery ratio.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期115-121,共7页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(61402327) 天津大学自主创新基金(2014XZ-0119)
关键词 水下传感器网络 路由协议 能量均衡化 深度阈值 投递率 underwater sensor network routing protocol energy equalization depth threshold delivery ratio
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