
环渤海雨养旱作区冬小麦起垄覆膜侧播种植模式研究 被引量:7

Study on the Furrow Planting Modes with Ridge Film Mulching of the Winter Wheat in the Rain-fed Areas around Bohai
摘要 为探索环渤海雨养旱作区冬小麦最佳覆膜种植模式,于2014-2015年和2015-2016年两个生长季,以‘沧麦6005’为材料,在河北沧州研究了6种种植模式下冬小麦的群体结构、干物质积累、叶面积指数、产量和产量三因素变化。结果表明:两年中A2处理(起垄覆膜,垄宽45 cm,沟宽45 cm,沟内种4行,行距15 cm)的产量均最高,分别比CK(露地等行距平播)增产68.48%和56.18%,均达极显著水平。其成穗数最高,达到639.30万穗/hm^2,比CK增加13.28%;平均穗粒数23.35个,比CK增加13.68%;千粒质量最高,平均为40.28 g,比CK增加7.44%;成穗率最高,达到59.91%,比CK增加14.11%;成熟期干物质量最高,比CK增加26.95%;差异均达显著或极显著水平。且A2处理的LAI在孕穗期达到最高,为6.74,比CK增加16.84%,后期其LAI变化平缓。因此,该模式种植结构合理,增产效果显著,适宜在环渤海低平原雨养旱作区推广应用。 The study was carried out to explore the optimum planting mode of ridge film mulching of winter wheat around Bohai. During the growing seasons in 2014 -2015 and 2015 -2016,4 Cangmai 6005, was used as test material to study the group structure, dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, yield and yield components of winter wheat by using six kinds of planting patterns. The results showed that the yields of A2 ( Ridge covered film, ridge width of 45 cm, ditch 45 cm, ditch within the species 4 lines, spacing 15 cm) were improved by 68. 4 8 % in the 2014 -2015 season and 56. 18% in the 2015 -2016 season respectively,which were significantly higher than that of CK. The number of panicles was 639. 30 x 104/ hm2, which was 13. 2 8 % higher than that of CK. The average number of grains per spike was 23. 35 g, which was 13. 2 8 % higher than that of CK. The highest 1000 - grain weight of A2 was 40. 28 g,which was significantly higher than that of CK (7. 44% ). The highest spike rate of A2 was 59. 9 1 % ,which was 14. 11% higher than that of CK. The dry matter quality of A2 in mature period was highest,which was 26. 9 5 % higher than that of CK,and the difference was significant. The LAI of A2 was 6. 74 at booting stage,which wasl6. 8 4 % higher than that of CK,and the change of LAI was mild in later peri-od. In summary,the pattern of planting structure was reasonable and the yield effect was remarkable,which was suitable for the rain and drought farming area of the low plains around Bohai to promote the application.
出处 《作物研究》 2017年第5期477-481,523,共6页 Crop Research
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2013BAD05B0504)
关键词 冬小麦 旱作 覆膜侧播 种植模式 winter wheat dry farming ridge film mulching planting mode
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