为了推动石化工业绿色、安全、高效发展,我国要求新建炼油、乙烯和对二甲苯项目应按照产业园区化、炼化一体化、装置大型化、生产清洁化等原则进行建设。以新建单系列15.0 Mt/a炼化一体化项目为例,设计加工中东高硫原油,按照"宜油则油、宜烯则烯、宜芳则芳"和"分子炼油"的原则,对加工方案进行了研究。结果表明,重油加工采用"渣油加氢脱硫+重油催化裂化"组合工艺;减压蜡油采用轻油型加氢裂化工艺;柴油加工采用分类加工模式,直馏轻柴油深度精制脱硫,二次加工柴油选择性加氢裂化工艺;直馏石脑油和二次加工石脑油作为连续重整原料多产芳烃产品。按此规划加工方案可以实现炼油、芳烃与乙烯一体化的设计目的。
In order to promote the green, safety and high efficient development of domestic petrochemical industry, the construction of refining project, ethylene project and p-xylene project should follow the principle of park industrialization, refining-petrochemical Integration, plant enlargement and clean production. Take the construction of refining-petrochemical integration project with single series of 15 Mt/a capacity as an example, the processing scheme of process high-sulfur crude oil in the Middle east is researched. The result shows that heavy oil process should adopt the combined process of RDS-RFCC for bottom oil, hydrocracking with producing heavy naphtha for Vacuum gasoil, selective hydrocracking for gasoil and straight run heavy naphtha together with secondary processing naphtha for aromatic complex. Through the optimization of stream routes among refinery, aromatic complex and steam cracking plant, the integration design of refining, aromatics and steam cracking can be realized.
Petroleum Planning & Engineering