
西方国家公共服务供给模式研究综述 被引量:3

Review of Research on Public Service Delivery in Western Countries
摘要 本文回顾了过去30多年以美国为代表的西方国家公共服务供给模式的学术研究进展,对目前学术界关于公共服务供给模式的历史变迁、理论基础、研究脉络、热点问题进行总结归纳。文献研究发现:西方国家公共服务供给模式正在从市场供给向混合供给和政府间合作供给转移,强调政府和市场的合作。理论流派涉及了公共选择理论、产权理论、交易成本理论、委托一代理理论和产业组织理论,目前出现了各理论之间融合的趋势。研究脉络主要围绕公共服务供给绩效内涵的拓展,从单纯考虑成本到成本和公平性兼顾的考量,以及相关法律和责任细节。目前的观点争论集中在非竞争市场条件下的合同管理、跨部门公共服务供给模式的绩效比较和改进建议,以及将公共服务供给推向市场、重新定位政府主导角色的问题研究。本文在文献梳理基础上,提出公共服务供给模式已经进入管理时代,必须将多理论、要素相结合,充分考虑市场竞争、制度环境、产品属性和政府管理这四个方面,进行跨部门合作供给。本研究建议包括:没有一种公共服务供给模式适用于所有情况,必须根据历史、社会、制度、市场等外部环境和合同的特征、政府管理能力等内部要素选择公共服务供给模式以确保供给的有效性。 This article reviews research on public service delivery in Western coun- tries during the past thirty years, including its changing history, theoretical development, and research context and key issues. The article finds that the mode of public service deliv-ery is changing from public delivery to public-privatecooperative delivery. There has been a trend of integration among public choice theory, property rights theory, transaction-cost theory, principal-agent theory, and industrial organization theory. The research context mainly focuses on expansion in the performance of public service delivery to take into ac- count cost effectiveness and equity considerations, and related legal and liability de- tails. Current research looks at contract management in non-competitive markets, perform- ance and improvements in inter-departmental public service delivery, and the dominant role of government in public service delivery. Based on a literature review, this article pro- poses that the model of public service delivery has now entered the management era: it must consider a combination of theories and elements, and consider market competition, the institutional environment, the properties of products, and government management during the cooperation between the public and private sectors. In its conclusion, the article suggests that when we choose a public service delivery mode there is no one size suitable for all. To make sure it is effective, we must consider both the external environment, in- cluding the historical, social, institutional, and marketing elements, as well as the inter- hal elements, such as the characteristics of the contract and the abilities of the government.
作者 丁姿 Ding Zi
出处 《公共管理评论》 CSSCI 2016年第1期113-134,共22页 China Public Administration Review
基金 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金课题“转型期我国公共服务外包的决策与管理研究”(71422012)的支持
关键词 公共服 务供给模式 市场供给 混合供给 政府直接供给 Public Service Delivery Private Supply Public-Private Cooperation Public Supply
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