
基于接触角法的沥青——石料粘附性评价 被引量:2

Study on evaluation method of asphalt aggregate adhesion and water stability of asphalt mixture
摘要 针对目前沥青路面突出的水损害现象,研究选取常用的三种沥青与四种石料,基于接触角法测定了沥青-石料之间的接触角,计算了沥青-石料的粘附功,建立了一种沥青—石料粘附性评价方法。结果表明:粘度大的沥青抵抗水的置换要比粘性小的沥青好。对于同种沥青而言,四种石料的粘附功大小依次为:石灰岩>蛇纹岩>玄武岩>花岗岩,而对于同种石料而言,三种沥青的粘附功大小依次为克拉玛依90#>SK90#≥中海油90#;能够通过接触角法所得粘附功定量评价沥青-石料粘附性,从而判断沥青混合料的水稳定性。 At present,the water damage of asphalt pavement is very serious.Three kinds of asphalt and four kinds of stone are selected in this paper.Based on the contact angle method,the contact angle between asphalt and stone was measured,and the adhesion work of asphalt stone was calculated.The results show that, for the same kind of asphalt,the adhesion of the four kinds of stone is:limestone 〉 serpentine 〉 basalt 〉 granite. For the same kind of stone,the adhesion work of three kinds of asphalt is karamay 90# 〉SK90# ≥ CNOOC 90#.The excellent adhesion of asphalt and stone is consistent with the results of adhesion work,The adhesion work of asphalt mixture can be quantitatively evaluated by contact angle method, and the water stability of asphalt mixture can be judged.
出处 《中国建材科技》 2017年第4期52-53,55,共3页 China Building Materials Science & Technology
关键词 沥青 石料 接触角法 粘附性 水稳定性 asphalt aggregated rock contact angle method adhesion water stability
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