
郑和与碧峰寺非幻庵——以《非幻庵香火圣像记》与《非幻禅师塔铭》为中心 被引量:1

Zheng He & The Feihuan Monastery of Bifeng Temple:A Research about A Record of Incense Offering to Buddhas in Feihuan Monastery and The Inscription on Master Feihuan’s Pagoda
摘要 明刊《非幻庵香火圣像记》表明,三宝太监郑和希望在南京碧峰寺非幻庵安度晚年,并为此做了充分准备。但由于刷印模糊,故历来对《非幻庵香火圣像记》的释读颇多错舛与不足,影响了对史实的判断。本文利用三种明刊《非幻庵香火圣像记》并结合明代《非幻禅师塔铭》等碑刻进行校读,澄清了此前相关研究中存在的种种误会,进而揭示出郑和研究中的若干新发现与新认识,诸如郑和及见证并践行郑和遗愿的僧人宗谦,都是非幻禅师的弟子;一同践行郑和遗愿并曾与郑和同下西洋的杨惠泉、袁普性、黄宗深、杜普明、高定住五人,均为郑和的宦官同僚,并且这五人与宣德四年参与将非幻庵拓建为碧峰寺退居的刘福、来宗震、韦宗惠、武宗润等宦官,可能也都属非幻禅师弟子;明代《非幻禅师塔铭》背面所存清乾隆初的《重建罗汉殿碑记》,对于探究碧峰寺人清以后的史事也有一定的考察价值。总之,以《非幻庵香火圣像记》和《非幻禅师塔铭》为纽带,不仅盘活了原本属于三宝太监郑和交游圈的诸多史料,也极大丰富了对郑和的佛教信仰及其下西洋随行宦官成员的认识。 According to A Record of Incense Offering to Buddhas in Feihuan Monasfery, a book published in the Ming Dynasty, it was knowable that Zheng He had planned to spend his retired life in the Feihuan Monastery of Bifeng Temple. But on account of the illegible printing, there have long been many misunderstandings about this book, which resulted in the wrong record of history. This thesis clarified the various misreadings through the research of three editions of the Record of Incense Offering to Buddhas in the Feihuan Monastery and reference to Inscription of Master Feihuan Pagoda. A number of new recognitions were achieved, including the facts that Zheng He and Monk Zongqian were both disciples of Master Feihuan. And it proves that the five companions of Zheng He on his Voyages to the Xiyang (literally "Western Oceans" which included South China Sea, and the Indian Ocean), Yang Huiquan, Yuan Puxing, Huang Zongshen, Du Puming, Gao Dingzhu, were all eunuchs; and they, together with the eunuchs named Liu Fu, Lai Zongzhen, Wei Zonghui, Wu Zongrun, who helped to expand the Feihuan Monastery into the Bifeng Temple for Zheng He's Habitation after retirement in the 4th year of Emperor Xuande's rule, were all disciples of Master Feihuan. There was an article named d Record of Arhat Hall Stele's Rebuilding on the back side of The Inscription of Master Feihuan's Pagoda, which was also a valuable historical record for the study of the history of Bifeng Temple in the Qing Dynasty. As a result, these two important documents, A Record of Incense Offering to Buddhasa Feihuan Monasttery and The Inscription on Master Feihuan's Pagoda, not only enrich our knowledge about Zheng He and his social relations, but also help us to know more about Zheng He's Buddhist belief as well as about the eunuchs who accompanied him on his voyages abroad.
作者 邵磊 Shao Lei(Nanjing Municipal Museu)
出处 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 CSSCI 2015年第2期95-108,共14页 Studies on the Mongol-Yuan and China's Bordering Area
关键词 郑和下西洋 非幻禅师 非幻庵 罗汉殿 Zheng He's Voyages to the Western Oceans Master Feihuan FeihuanNunnery Arhat Hall
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