
建设中国的世界史学科 被引量:6

The Essential Features of the Studies in the World History at BNU
摘要 在北京师范大学走过的百年历程中 ,世界史学科的制度化不断进展 ,学术研究成果卓著 ,而且形成了鲜明的特色 ,主要有 :以探索世界历史发展总规律、破除欧洲中心论为目标 ;以比较研究为根本方法 ;关注动态 ,追踪前沿 ,争取国际学术对话资格 ;继承和发扬朴学传统 ,重视文字之学与哲学思考之间的张力 ,重视内在理解和客观分析之间的张力 ,重视逻辑分析和论证方法的应用。 It is a century since 1902 when the first predecessor of Beijing Normal University (BNU) established, during which, the branch of learning in the world history at BNU had undergone a process of institutionalization. Having made a great number of achievements in research, the branch had produced some distinct features telling it from its counterparts at the other universities. Among other features, the following were more essential. Firstly, shouldering the exploration into the general laws of the world history as its mission. Secondly, using the comparison as one of their basic methods. Thirdly, complying with the academic styles common among researchers in the world. Fourthly, based on the tradition of the Qing scholars' research and that of Western scholarship, they placed priority onto the tensions between philology and philosophy, the subjective understanding and objective analysis. And lastly, attaching an importance to the logic analysis and demonstration. These are the invaluable legacies offered by the scholars at BNU to the development of the area of study in the world history.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期107-124,共18页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 北师大 世界史 学科 制度化 规律探索 比较研究 BNU the institutionalization of the branch of learning in the world history the exploration into the general laws of the world history comparative methods
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  • 3P. Blickle, The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants' War From A New Perspective, p. 159.
  • 4P. Blickle, et al., Religion, Politics and Scoial Protest, p. 14.
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  • 8T. Scott and B. Scfibner, The German Peasants" War: A History in Documents, pp. 100-101.
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  • 10T. Scott and B. Scribnet, The German Peasants' War: A History in Documents, pp. 105-106.











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