

Baqiu Where Caocao Arrived Wasn't Located in the South of the Yangtze River——On the Location of Baqiu Lake in the Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty & the Course of Battle of Red Cliffs
摘要 赤壁之战的方位问题历来争讼不休,"蒲圻赤壁"说是今之学术界的主流之论,认为《三国志》记载曹操从江陵出发进占江南巴丘(今湖南岳阳市),再顺流而下至蒲圻赤壁,兵败撤至巴丘湖(即巴陵县洞庭湖)烧船后北归江陵。但考之原始历史地理文献的记载,这种看法是不能成立的。第一,曹操终生未到过江南,江南巴丘城的建造晚于赤壁之战,曹操无须进占巴丘。第二,洞庭湖形成于汉魏以后,隋唐以前洞庭湖不称巴丘湖,"巴丘湖"是"云梦泽"的别称,位于长江之北的华容县境内,曹操烧船的巴丘湖不是洞庭湖,而是云梦泽。第三,赤壁之战前,刘备、孙权集团的势力均在江夏郡东部,曹操与孙刘联军对峙的"赤壁"应在夏口之东。曹操从江陵进军至夏口,再至赤壁,兵败赤壁后撤退江陵,均走便捷的夏水航道,夏水流经华容县南的巴丘湖(云梦泽),故而"巴丘"(巴丘湖)成为曹操进军、退兵的必经之地。今之学术界普遍认为曹操所至"巴丘"即江南巴陵县,则显然是承袭唐人的以讹传讹。 The discussion about the orientation of Battle of Red Cliffs has never stopped."Puqi Red Cliffs" is the current mainstream view in academia,which believes the fact recorded in The History of the Three Kingdoms that Cao Cao marched from Jiangling to occupy Baqiu of Jiangnan region,i.e.Yueyang city of Hunan province,and then he drifted down the river to Puqi Red Cliffs.When he lost the battle,he withdrew to Baqiu Lake,i.e.Dongting Lake of Baling county.Then he went back to Jiangling after he burned his boat.However,the above opinion is not reasonable if we review the literature about historical geography.First,Cao Cao had never been to Jiangnan region in his life and Baqiu city was built after Battle of Red Cliffs,he had no need to go to Baqiu.Second,Dongting Lake was formed after the Han dynasty and Wei dynasty.It wasn't called Baqiu Lake until the Sui dynasty and the Tang dynasty.Baqiu Lake is another name for Yunmeng Ze,which is located in Huarong city in the north of Yangtze river.So Baqiu Lake has no relationship with Dongting Lake.Thus,the lake where Caocao burned his boat is Yunmeng Ze,not Dongting Lake.Third,before Battle of Red Cliffs,Liubei and Sunquan groups' sphere of influence was in the east of Jiangxia county.The destination of Caocao was also there.Since the two sides confronted at Red Cliffs,which means Red Cliffs is located in the north of Yangtze river and the east of Xiakou.Cao Cao chose the convenient Xiashui river during the whole marching journey,which flew through Baqiu Lake of Huarong county.Thus Baqiu Lake was an obligatory stop for Cao Cao,whether he marched forward or turned back.The present academic circle holds the opinion that the place named Baqiu where Cao Cao arrived is Baling county of Jiangnan region.Obviously it is due to the people of the Tang dynasty who spread a falsehood.
作者 王前程
出处 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期35-44,共10页 Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences
关键词 赤壁之战 巴丘 云梦泽 夏水航道 唐人讹误 Battle of Red Cliffs Baqiu Yunmeng Ze Xiashui river a falsehood spread by the people of the Tang dynasty
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