
高速湿式换挡离合器排油阀临界开启和关闭压力研究 被引量:1

Research on Critical Open and Close Pressures of an Oil Discharge Valve for High Speed Wet Shifting Clutch
摘要 为了解决湿式离合器在高转速下分离时活塞腔内的油液无法完全排出的问题,对所设计的离心式排油阀进行研究。在受力分析的基础上建立了排油阀的数学模型,分析了排油阀中钢球的运动过程,搭建了具有排油阀的湿式离合器测试系统,对排油阀的临界开启和关闭压力进行了实验研究。仿真和实验结果表明:离合器在高转速下分离时,排油阀能有效排出活塞腔内的油液;排油阀的临界开启和关闭压力均会随着阀体倾角α和钢球半径r_b的增大而增大;根据该变化规律,提出了通过临界开启压力的最小值和临界关闭压力的最大值确定α和r_b取值范围的计算方法。 For the imperfect discharge of oil in the piston chamber during the rotation of wet clutch at a high speed,a centrifugal oil discharge valve structure is researched. A mathematical model of oil discharge valve is established based on the force analysis,and the movement process of steel ball in oil discharge valve is analyzed. A test system for wet clutch system with oil discharge valve is developed. The critical open and close pressures of the oil discharge valve are studied through experiment. The simulated and experimental results show that the oil discharge valve can effectively discharge the remaining oil in the piston chamber when the wet clutch separates at a high speed,and the critical open and close pressure features of the oil discharge valve are obtained. The critical open and close pressures increase with the increase in the tilting angle of valve body,α,and the radius of steel ball,rb. According to the changing feature,a computing method for calculating α and rbfrom the minimum value of critical openpressure and the maximum value of critical close pressure is proposed.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1665-1672,共8页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国家国防科技工业局基础产品创新科研项目(VTDP-3503)
关键词 兵器科学与技术 综合传动装置 高速湿式离合器 排油阀 运动规律 临界开启压力 临界关闭压力 ordnance science and technology integrated transmission high speed wet clutch oil discharge valve motion law critical open pressure critical close pressure
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