
日本侵华战争中妇女儿童生活场景的构建与呈现——以《支那战线写真》为例 被引量:2

Construction and Presentation of Women and Children's Lives in Japanese Publications during the War of Invasion in China: A Case Study of Shina Sensen Shashin
摘要 作为日本侵华战争时期重要的时事摄影期刊,《支那战线写真》记录了1934年至1941年日本军国主义者侵华战争中的具体军事战线、战役和战况。《写真》在营造中国妇女、儿童与"解放者"日本军人之间的"良好"关系,中日两国妇女、儿童互帮互助等生活场景方面费尽心机。日本军国主义者利用妇女儿童特定的性别年龄符号虚构和平友好场景,营造舆论攻势,为其发动侵略战争涂脂抹粉,但是最终仍旧不能挽回其失败的命运。《写真》等时事摄影期刊上刊登的炫耀武力、破坏和平的照片,反而为后人留下了难得的历史证据,使日本军国主义者不得不接受历史的公正审判。《写真》还呈现出在日本侵华战争时期,跨国、跨文化性别关系的别样图景。 As an important photographic journal during the war of invasion in China, Shina Sensen Shashin had recorded the offensive campaigns, front lines and situation on almost every large battles by Japanese troops from 1934 to 1941. As a strategy, Shina Sensen Shashin forged and exaggerated the real lives of Chinese women and children and Japanese armies, by presenting pictures of people who seemed to be happy, harmonious and far away from the war. This was a deliberate strategy adopted by the Japanese government and implemented by journal editors to show that the war launched by the fascist Japanese would change the life of the poor into a harmony, one that reflected their attempt to beautify the invasion and reduce abominable international condemnation. These pictures were actually arranged by photographers and publishers according to the government's intention, and further spread by Shina Sensen Shashin. Although the Japanese invaders launched the political and military invasion in China, while trying to create public opinions that cooperated with their invasion,they couldn't escape their defeat. In fact, Japanese journals about the invasion of China, represented by Shina Sensen Shashin ,became convincing evidence of the criminal history, and forced Japanese militarists to accept the trail of their crimes. The pictures of Chinese women and children's lives, which were presented as and parts of Japanese strategies to invading China, need to be decoded to reveal the truth about the lives, including transnational and transgender relationship during the war.
作者 侯杰 孙巍溥
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期90-97,共8页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
基金 2014年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"近代日常生活"(项目编号:14JJD770010)的阶段性成果
关键词 支那战线写真 时事摄影期刊 日本侵华战争 宣传策略 Shina Sensen Shashin photographic journal War against the Japanese Invasion in China propaganda strategies
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