Petri网是一种系统模拟和分析的有力工具,工作流网是基于Petri网对业务流程的形式化描述。首先介绍Petri网和工作流网的基本概念,接着介绍基于Petri网的工作流建模技术,然后给出网上购书流程的Petri网模型,最后使用工作流网分析工具Wo Pe D对建立的Petri网工作流模型的正确性进行分析。
Petri net is a powerful tool for system simulation and analysis. Workflow is a formal description of the business process based on Petri net. Firstly introduces the basic concept of Petri net and workflow net, then introduces the workflow model technique based on Petri net, takes the Petri net model of online purchase books as an example, uses the workflow Petri net Designer Tool WoPeD to analyze the correctness of the model.
Modern Computer