

Research on the influence of fragmented information on College Students' Psychology
摘要 碎片化信息主要存在于微博、微信、QQ等社交平台和手机新闻客户端等平台,具有分散性、单一性、片面性等特征。碎片化信息的产生对当代大学生的学习、生活以及心理健康成长均产生了巨大影响,对高校心理健康教育工作者带来更多的挑战。大学生在接受碎片化信息的同时,应清醒认识到碎片化信息的不足之处,避免对自己产生负面影响,高校心理教育工作者要尝试探索心理健康教育新模式,更好地发挥碎片化信息的优势,助力大学生心理健康成长。 With the advent of the mobile Internet era, fragmented information has gradually entered the public view, It is generally understood to be a very short text, audio and video information is minimal. The current fragmentation of information mainly exists in micro - blog, WeChat, QQ and other social platforms and mobile news client platform, with the dispersion, oneness and one sidedness of these three characteristics. Causes of fragmentation of information, Due to the fragmentation of information appear, one is due to the cur- rent popular media for mobile devices, in short, intuitive information that is more convenient to watch in these devices; the second is along with the quickening pace of life, the fragmentation of information more easily in the limited reading time by complete acquisition ; the third is a lot of information and knowledge the emergence of media, more hope that through the deep processing of information, will be the most attractive presentation highlights to the public. Due to the characteristics of fragmented information short, intuitive, fresh, quickly get the contemporary college students, bow family, mobile phone control figure also It is often seen. In the u- niversity campus, the fragmentation of information brings the opportunities to the students at the same time, some negative effects that began to emerge in the long term exposure to fragmentation information among college students. How to apply the fragmented information to the contemporary college students has become a new challenge for the college students.
作者 麻丽娟 MA Li - juan(Tai Yuan Institute of Technology, Tai Yuan,03000)
机构地区 太原工业学院
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2017年第5期141-144,共4页 Journal of Taishan University
基金 太原工业学院青年科学基金项目(2014RQ06)
关键词 碎片化信息 大学生 心理健康教育 影响 fragmented information college student psychological education influence
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