It is a common phenomenon that importing external livestock easily causes environmental in--adaptability, disease of the respiratory and digestive system, even lead to livestock death or infectious diseases. Finding out the causes of susceptible diseases to avoid or control livestock susceptible phenomenon is particularly important. Taken introduction cattle in Sigou town, Min country for example, there are many reasons for susceptible diseases in introduction cattle, such as, stress response between transportation, climate difference, feed difference, poor housing conditions and sanitation, latent disease carried by animals, envi- ronmental in--adaptability, microbe and mineral element in soil and water, detrimental causative agent, altitude and microele- ment effects, microbe in air. Consequently, measures are as follow, prepared well before importing external livestock, strictly fol- lowing inspection procedure, careful transportation, change feed gradually, potable water treatment, attention to graze matters, thorough cleansing and disinfection,gradual transition in altitude,decreasing microelement to standards,active treatment.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Importing external livestock
causes of susceptible diseases
control measures