
河南安阳出土北齐刘通墓志考释 被引量:2

Textual Study on Liu Tong's Epitaph of the Northern Qi Dynasty Unearthed in Anyang
摘要 2007年11月17日,河南省安阳市文物考古研究所在南水北调文物保护巡视过程中,于第七标段安阳县洪河屯乡上柏树村东南地,发现一座北齐武平三年(572年)大型砖室墓,出土少量器物及墓志一合。志主刘通,唐李百药《北齐书》、裴孝源《贞观公私画史》、张彦远《历代名画记》等多见记载,其人身兼文武之能,一生历仕北魏、东魏、北齐三朝,是当时较为重要的政治人物。墓志详述其人生平,可弥补文献记载的缺略。而其绘画方面的成就尤为引人瞩目,乃北朝丹青圣手,与杨子华一时瑜亮,因此该墓志的出土,对于中国绘画史的研究,无疑亦具有重要价值。另外,史志之间尚存在名字互倒问题,志主刘通,传世文献一般作刘杀鬼,通过考辨,可知《魏书·崔休传》所记"刘通"另有其人,而北齐天保七年《高刘二姓造像记》亦见"刘杀鬼"之名,时间相合,不能排除同为一人的可能。 On November 17, 2007 a large brick tomb dated to 572 AD (the third year of Wuping reign in the Northern Qi dynasty) was discovered in the east of Shangbaishu village, Anyang county by Anyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology of Henan Province in the cultural relics protection patrol process of "South-to-North Water Diversion" project. A few artifacts and an epitaph were unearthed from that tomb. The epitaph owner Liu Tong was recorded in many Tang books, such as Bei Qi Shu [北齐书] (History of the Northern Qi Dynasty) by Li Baiyao, Zhen Guan Gong Si Hua Shi [贞观公私画史] (A Collection of Painting in Zhenguan Period) by Pei Xiaoyuan and Li Dai Ming Hua Ji [历代名画记] (Record of Famous Paintings over the Dynasties) by Zhang Yanyuan. Well-versed in both polite letters and martial arts, Liu Tong had an official position in three dynasties namely the Northern Wei, the Eastern Wei and the Northern Qi and was a rather important politician at that time. The epitaph gave an elaborate account of Liu Tong's life and could make up the incomplete record in literature. Liu Tong was also a prominent painter in the Northern dynasties regarded as a good match of Yang Zihua; therefore the finding of his epitaph was also important for the research of Chinese painting history. As in some historical literature people's names might be confused, Liu Tong was usually recorded in the literature as Liu Shagui, while "Liu Tong" in Wei Shu Cui Xiu Zhuan [魏书·崔林传] (History of Wei, Record of Cui Xiu) was another person. "Liu Shagui" in Gao Liu Er Xing Zao Xiang Ji [高刘二娃造像记] (The Gao and the Liu Making Statues) of the seventh year of Tianbao in the Northern Qi was very likely to be the epitaph owner Liu Tong considering the date.
作者 邱亮 孔德铭 Qiu Liang Kong Deming
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期98-103,共6页 Journal of National Museum of China
基金 国家社科基金项目"乾嘉以来碑刻辨伪研究"(项目批准号:17XZS004) 吉首大学博士引进科研启动基金项目"隋唐残碑考佚"的资助
关键词 刘通 刘杀鬼 墓志 北齐 绘画 Liu Tong Liu Shagui epitaph the Northern Qi dynasty paintings
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