针对机车车辆车轴超声波无损检测的应用需求,为了实现超声波数据的高速实时采集,并将采集的大量数据及时传输至PC机进行存储和处理,设计了一种基于现场可编程门阵列FPGA和以太网连接的超声波无损检测系统。文中在介绍系统基本结构和工作原理的基础上,重点对高速数据采集、基于UDP协议的以太网数据传输及其在FPGA和Lab VIEW平台上的实现进行了分析、设计和调试。实验结果表明,所设计的超声波检测系统能实现最高40 MHz的数据采样频率和最高100 Mb/s的数据传输速率,系统运行稳定、可靠,能满足一般工业无损检测的应用需要。
Aimed at the application requirement of the rolling stock axle's ultrasonic nondestructive testing,an ultrasonic nondestructive testing system based on FPGA and the Ethernet connection was designed. The system can realize the high-speed and real-time acquisition of the ultrasonic data,and transmit a large amount of data to the PC for storage and processing. This paper introduced the basic structure and working principle of the system,and focused on analyzing,designing and debugging the high speed data acquisition,the Ethernet data transmission based on UDP protocol,and its implementation in FPGA and the Lab VIEW platform. The experimental results show that the designed system can achieve the data sampling frequency up to 40 MHz and data transmission rate up to 100 Mb/s,and the system is stable and reliable. It meets the needs of the general industrial nondestructive testing application.
Instrument Technique and Sensor