
What Kind of"2004 Plus"Constitution Ukraine Needs

What Kind of“2004 Plus”Constitution Ukraine Needs
摘要 Ukraine reinstated 2004 constitution on February 21,2014. Although it is better than 1996 constitution,2004 constitution is far from perfect. T he m ain deficiency of2004 constitution is unbalanced pow er distribution am ong the president,the V erkhovna Rada and the prim e m inister( and the cabinet).Based on the analysis of the deficiencies of2004 constitution,this article puts forw ard som e proposals on the reform of U krainian constitution,such as the establishm ent of a prem ier presidentialism w ith a w eak president,a clearer division of pow er betw een the president,the Rada and the prim e m inister. Ukraine reinstated 2004 constitution on February 21,2014. Although it is better than 1996 constitution,2004 constitution is far from perfect. T he m ain deficiency of2004 constitution is unbalanced pow er distribution am ong the president,the V erkhovna Rada and the prim e m inister( and the cabinet).Based on the analysis of the deficiencies of2004 constitution,this article puts forw ard som e proposals on the reform of U krainian constitution,such as the establishm ent of a prem ier presidentialism w ith a w eak president,a clearer division of pow er betw een the president,the Rada and the prim e m inister.
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期257-269,共13页 Academics
关键词 乌克兰 宪法 总统 不平衡 权力 牧师 Ukrainian constitution semipresidentialism presidential parliam entarism premier presidentialism








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