Under the conditions of globalization,it is a m ission in the new era for C hinese culture going abroad.H ow ever,during the period of post-colonialism,w estern scholars have studied C hinese culture based on the w estern culture and values.As a result,C hinese culture has becom e cultural "other ". T hrough analyzing the cultural "other " and"self",the demonstration of Chinese culture from the perspective of post-colonialism proves not to be true.It is an inevitable choice for C hina's developm ent to m ake the C hinese culture go abroad and m ake an equal dialogue betw een C hinese and w estern cultures.
Under the conditions of globalization,it is a m ission in the new era for C hinese culture going abroad.H ow ever,during the period of post-colonialism,w estern scholars have studied C hinese culture based on the w estern culture and values.As a result,C hinese culture has becom e cultural "other ". T hrough analyzing the cultural "other " and"self",the demonstration of Chinese culture from the perspective of post-colonialism proves not to be true.It is an inevitable choice for C hina's developm ent to m ake the C hinese culture go abroad and m ake an equal dialogue betw een C hinese and w estern cultures.