
美国学困生诊断、干预和帮扶体系研究 被引量:6

A Brief Review of the Diagnosis,Intervention and Assistance System of the American Students with Learning Difficulty and Its Enlightenment
摘要 学困生问题既是个体问题又是群体问题,也是薄弱学校改进的主要问题之一。为应对这一问题,美国建立了一整套基于完善的预警预防和诊断机制的多层管理、多方合作、分级实施的学困生干预帮扶体系。政府、学区、社区、学校、教师、学生家长、非政府/非营利组织及专业机构等各方理念认同,通力合作,点面结合预防,精准干预诊治,形成了独特的综合治理模式和学困生帮扶共同体,为学困生帮扶创造了融洽的社会环境、专业的技术支撑和必要的财政专项经费保障。其经验还表明:厘清学困生概念及界定标准是实施诊治和干预的基础和前提;预防、干预、诊治和帮扶学困生需遵循科学性、针对性、及时性、普遍性和特殊性的原则;政府、学校和家长对学困生帮扶负有主体责任。 The problem of students with learning difficulties is not only an individual problem but also a group problem. It is also one of the main problems of low-performing school improvement. In order to cope with this problem, the United States established a set of multi-level management, multi-party cooperation, hierarchical implementation of the in- tervention and assistance system improvement based on the sound mechanism of early warn- ing prevention and diagnosis. The governments, school districts, communities, schools, teachers, parents, non-government/ non-profit organizations and professional organiza- tions, all the parties agree to cooperate, to take the measures of the point surface combina- tion of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of accurate intervention, forming a unique inte- grated governance mode and a community for helping students with learning difficulties. And all these done, it has created a harmonious social environment, professional technical support and the necessary special financial security, in helping the students with learning difficulties. The US experience also shows that it is the basis and prerequisite for the diag- nosis, treatment and intervention to clarify the concept and definition of the students with learning difficulties. Prevention, intervention, diagnosis and treatment and helping students with learning difficulties need to follow the principles of science, pertinence, timeliness, universality and particularity. Governments, schools and parents bear the main responsibility to help students with learning difficulties.
作者 乐毅 蒋璐安
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期36-50,共15页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 学困生 概念界定 诊断标准 干预 诊治及帮扶体系 the United States students diagnostic criteria intervention, diagnosis and with learning difficulties concept definition treatment, helping system
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