

Study on Co-authorship Network for the College of Chemical Engineering of Nanjing Tech University Based on SNA
摘要 文章选择Web of Science核心合集数据库作为文献来源,通过社会网络分析方法,利用UCINET6.0软件对南京工业大学化工学院论文合著网络进行分析。从个体和整体网络属性揭示合著网络特点。少数几位作者在整个网络中起到重要的链接作用;网络聚集度不高,派系较多;派系成员多以师生关系、同一课题组以及研究方向相近的作者为主。 Choosing the Web of ScienceTM Core Collection database as the source of literature, through the method of SNA, this paper used UCINET6.0 to analyze the network of co-authorship network of the College of Chemical Engineering of Nanjing Tech University, and revealed the characteristics of co-authorship network from the individual and whole network attributes: a small number of authors played an important role in the whole network; network aggre- gation degree was not high, more factions; the members of the faction were mainly teachers and students, in the same subject groups or the authors who have similar research directions.
作者 章惠娟
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2017年第10期49-52,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
基金 南京工业大学图书馆馆内课题项目"基于社会网络分析的南京工业大学化工学院论文合著现象研究"(项目编号:NJTECHLIB201408)
关键词 社会网络分析 合著网络 UCINET SNA co-authorship network UCINET
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