

The Measurement Analysis of SCI High Cited Papers Based on Incites^(TM) Platform in 2006-2015——Taking Xinjiang Medical University as an Example
摘要 文章基于Incites^(TM)分析平台获取新疆医科大学学者发表的2006年—2015年度的article、review、letter这三种文献类型的论文,采用文献计量学的方法,探讨10年的SCI发文量、引用情况、高被引论文及其进入全球前3%的论文、期刊信息,施引文献的分布情况,给新疆医科大学SCI论文的影响力评价提供依据。 Based on the Incites^(TM)analysis platform, this paper analyzed three types of literature, including article, review, letter publish by the scholars of Xinjiang Medical University in 2006-2015, and used the method of bibliometrics to investigate the SCI dispatch, citations, highly cited papers and those ranking into global top 3%, periodical information,distribution of cited literature, so as to provide basis for the influence evaluation of SCI papers in Xinjiang Medical University.
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2017年第10期86-90,共5页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
基金 新疆医科大学人文社会科学基金项目一般项目"新疆医科大学科技查新计量分析及其对策研究"(项目编号:2015XYDSK39)
关键词 Incites^(TM)平台 SCI论文 高被引论文 施引文献 Incites^(TM) Platform SCI paper high cited papers cited literature
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