目的观察四联疗法联合腕踝针根除幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染以及改善患者消化道症状疗效及安全性。方法以SAS 9.4统计软件生成随机序列,按1∶1的比例将符合根除H.pylori适应证的初治患者70例随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组35例。治疗组给予常规四联疗法联合10 d腕踝针治疗,对照组仅给予常规四联疗法治疗。观察2组治疗前及治疗10 d后、停药后4周消化道症状评分变化情况,统计2组治疗10 d后、停药后4周消化道中医症状疗效;观察2组治疗前及治疗10 d后H.pylori计数变化情况,统计治疗10 d后H.pylori根除率;检测2组治疗前及治疗10 d后血常规和肝肾功能指标,评估安全性。结果 70例患者全部纳入分析。2组治疗10 d后和停药后4周消化道症状评分均明显低于治疗前(P均<0.05),且治疗组评分均明显低于对照组(P均<0.05),消化道中医症状疗效显效率明显高于对照组(P均<0.05)。2组治疗10 d后H.pylori根除率及计数比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。2组均无不良事件发生,安全性良好。结论四联疗法联合腕踝针治疗可明显改善H.pylori感染患者消化道症状,安全性良好,但与单纯四联疗法治疗比较未提高H.pylori根除率。
Objective It is to verify the clinical effect and safety of quadruple therapy combined with wrist and ankle acupuncture in the treatment of eradicating H. pylori infection and improving gastrointestinal symptoms. Methods A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted to screen 70 patients who were admitted to the Department of Gastroenterology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region TCM Hospital from June 1,2014 to December 31,random sequences was generated by 9. 4statistical software,they were divided into treatment group and control group according to the ratio of 1∶ 1,each group had 35 cases. Blind-bottom sealed opaque envelopes were submitted to a team of wrist-and-ankle operators to ensure that the outcome evaluator did not know the patient group prior to unblinding. The patients in the treatment group were treated with routine quadruple therapy and wrist ankle acupuncture for 10 days. The control group was treated with conventional quadruple therapy alone. The eradication rate of H. pylori and the improvement of digestive tract symptom scores before and after treatment were observed. Results Seventy patients were included in the analysis. There was no significant difference in eradication rate and count of H. pylori between the two groups( P〈0. 05). There were significant differences between the two groups after 10 days of anti-quiet treatment and 4 weeks after stopping treatment( P〈0. 05),which indicated that wrist-ankle acupuncture was effective in improving the digestive tract symptoms. Safety is good,no adverse events occurred. Conclusion Wrist-ankle acupuncture combined with quadruple therapy can significantly improve the digestive tract symptoms,and the safety is good,but improving the eradication rate of H. pylori has not been seen yet.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
wrist-ankle needle
H.hylori infection
gastrointestinal symptom