
2016年安徽省血吸虫病疫情分析 被引量:13

Endemic status of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province in 2016
摘要 目的报告并分析2016年全省血吸虫病疫情状况与近年的变化趋势。方法对2004年以来,特别是2016年的全省血吸虫病疫情资料进行统计与分析。结果截至2016年底,全省共有9个市、51个县(市、区)流行血吸虫病,其中28个达到传播控制标准、16个达到传播阻断标准、7个达到消除标准。2016年全省共有47个流行县(市、区)遭受洪涝灾害,受灾的流行村数和流行区人口数分别为1 393个和316.6万人,疫区约有15万人接触了疫水。2016年,全省共血检183.6万人,发现阳性23 245人,共粪检24.4万人,未发现阳性病例;全省现有病人数为6 780人,其中推算慢性病人1 119例、晚期血吸虫病5 661例,人群平均感染率为0.095%;全省流行村牛存栏26 991头,共检查15 899头,未发现病牛。2016年,全省共调查钉螺141 713 hm^2,查出钉螺面积25 042 hm^2,其中新发现钉螺1 288 hm^2、复现钉螺1 375 hm^2,未发现感染性钉螺,共新查出15个有螺无病的流行村;全省累计药物灭螺面积11 415 hm^2,消灭钉螺面积3 275 hm^2,年底尚有钉螺面积26 531 hm^2。2004~2016年,全省人群和牛的平均感染率均呈现明显的下降趋势,并分别下降了88.6%和100%,有螺面积在2.65~3.10亿m^2徘徊波动并有小幅下降,已连续4年未发现急性血吸虫病例和感染性钉螺。结论全省血吸虫病疫情进一步下降,但由于2016年的特大洪涝灾害,局部地区仍然存在血吸虫病传播风险。为达到血吸虫病传播阻断乃至消除血吸虫病的目标,仍需要加大防治及监测工作的力度。 Objective To analyze the endemic status in 2016 and epidemic trends o f schistosomiasis through-out Anhui province in the past years. Methods The data on schistosomiasis prevalence were collected and analyzed in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2016. Results By the end o f 2 0 1 6 , twenty - three counties had achieved transmis-sion control, 16 counties transmission interruption and 7 counties elimination in 51 counties under the 9 administra-tive cities with Schistosoma japonica prevalence. In 2016, forty - seven endemic counties were hit by flood, and 1 393 villages with a total of 3. 166 million population were affected, where 150 000 people were estimated to be exposed to the infected water. Blood screen and stool sample screen performed in 1.836 million and 0. 024 4 mil-lion people in 2016 revealed positive findings in 23 245 and 0 individuals, respectively. Of the 6 780 registered schistomiasis patients, 1 119 were chronic, and 5 661 advanced. No acute infection was reported. The mean infec-tion rate was 0. 095% in population. A total of 15 899 in 26 991 cattle raised in endemic areas were subjected to screen, and no infection was detected. Snail survey performed in an area of 141 713 hm2 in 2016 indicated that 25 042 hm2 were prevalent with snails, where 1 288 hm2 were newly emerging area, and 1 375 hm2 were re - emer-ging areas. No infectious snails were found. Although 15 villages were found with snail prevalence, yet no infection was reported. Molluscicide was applied to a total area of 11 415 hm2 throughout the province, leading to snail eradi-cation in an area of 3 275 hm2, yet 26 531 hm2 remained with snail prevalence by the end of 2016. Between 2004 and 2016, the mean infection rate tended to decline in both population and cattle, with a decrease by 88. 6% and 100% , respectively. Areas with snail distribution fluctuated between 0. 265 billion m2 and 0. 310 billion m2. No infected snails and acute cases of schistosomiasis were found since 2013. Conclusion Schistosomiasis transmission generally tends to decline in Anhui province, however, local transmission risks of schistosomiasis remain in some ar-eas due to the floods in 2016. This suggests that prevention and surveillance should be strengthened for the goal to interrupt and eventually eliminate transmission of schistosomiasis in Anhui province.
出处 《热带病与寄生虫学》 2017年第3期125-130,共6页 Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
基金 安徽省科技攻关计划项目(1604a0802076)
关键词 血吸虫病 疫情 安徽省 Schistosomiasis,Endemic status,Anhui Province
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