秦国建立之后 ,西部的地域范围日益扩大 ,东西之间的对立日趋明显 ,奠定了西部时代的地理基础 ;汉中、巴蜀地区的开辟 ,千里蜀道的修凿 ,郑国渠、都江堰的修建 ,使关中、汉中、蜀中成为“天府之国” ,奠定了西部时代的经济基础 ;秦穆公的西霸 ,秦孝公的强大 ,秦始皇的统一 ,奠定了西部时代的政治基础 ;秦统治者山川祭祀具有轻关东、重关西的特点 。
The period from Qin time to tang Dynasty is the great and fruitful western era in the long development Chinese civilization and the Qin culture is the beginning . After the foundation of Qin Kingdom, he facts that the western territory has been expending and the confontation between the east and the west has been becoming obvious offered the geographical basis to the western era. The development of Hanzhong and Bashu, The building of road linking Changan and Chengdu and the digging of Zhengguo Ditch and Dujing Weir made central Shaanxi. Hanzhong and central Sichuan become the Paradises. These laid on economic foundation the western era. The hegemony in the west of King Qinmugong, the predominance of King Qinxiaogong over the others and the unification of China by Emperor Qinshihuang laid the political basis to the western era. The Qin rulers offering sacrifices to the country was charactorised by underestimating the East and wmphasizing the West which offered a powerful cultural foundation to the western era.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
the Qin culture
the western era
foundation period