
电力GIS向时态与大数据发展的探索与研究 被引量:3

Exploration and research on the development for electric power GIS tenses and big data
摘要 电力GIS系统是"电网图形数据中心",由于电网的分布与空间地理信息的紧密衔接,因此在整个电网管理、建设、运行、维护等各环节,都需要其图形数据服务的支撑。而传统电力GIS系统只能反映电网最近一段时间的状态,过往的数据被替换、删除,或者存储在库无法加以利用,无法实现历史信息追溯和未来电网发展预测。随着电网规模的日益增长,电网发展变迁过程正在加速,大数据等的技术快速发展提升,管理要求亦更加精细化,对如何准确直观的展示电网发展变迁,辅助预测未来电网规划建设、工程设计等的需求,变得愈加迫切。作为支撑社会发展的能源行业,电力信息系统未来管理的发展趋势,必须基于大数据技术,借助时空GIS,才能更全面的掌握、管理复杂不断变迁的电网。 Power (;IS system is the graphic data center of power grid. As the distribution of power grid is closely connected with spatial geography information, all the links, such as power grid management, construction, operation and maintenance, need the support of graphics data services. However, the traditional power GIS system can only reflect the state of the power grid for the most recent period, the past data that is replaced, deleted, or stored in Ihe library cannot be used, what :s more, the system cannot retrospect historical information and forecast filture development of power grid. With the inereasing scale of the grid, the development process of the grid is accelerating, the large data and other technologies are developing rapidly, and information management is as well requirements more refined. The demand becomes more and more urgent to show how to accurately and intuitively display the development of power grid changes and auxiliary, forecast power grid planning, construction and engineering design and so on. As an energy industry that supports social deveh)pment, the development trend of power information system management must draw support from spalio - temporal GIS, so it can manage the complex and eonstantly changing power grid more comprehensively.
作者 李申章
出处 《电力大数据》 2017年第10期11-13,64,共4页 Power Systems and Big Data
关键词 电力 时态 GIS 应用 趋势 electric power tenses GIS application trend
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