
Importance and Role of Biodiversity and Tropical Forests in the Cultural, Socio-Economic and Religious Life of African Black People: Case of Benin 被引量:1

Importance and Role of Biodiversity and Tropical Forests in the Cultural, Socio-Economic and Religious Life of African Black People: Case of Benin
摘要 Biodiversity and tropical forests play a fundamental role in the life of the black people of Africa. In Benin, while some aspects of this role are well-documented, others are barely known. Moreover, these information remains so far very scattered through the literature which does not allow to have a global view on the contribution of biodiversity and forests to the life of people. In this work, it is presented the role of forests and biological diversity in the main vital areas of life of populations in south of Benin. The methodology used was based, with regard to the field, on bibliographical research, observation and/or field stakeholder survey. Investigations are more particularly focused on hardwood lumber uses and the species that are significantly used. The results highlight the uses that are made of vegetal elements of biological diversity and timber as forest products in south of Benin. The main areas explored are animist or traditional religion and traditional medicine, as well as socio-cultural and economic life. In this latter area, the most used timber species and their uses are identified; these include furniture, light carpentry, sculpture, formwork, canoe construction, drums and mortar making.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第6期312-322,共11页 环境科学与工程(B)
关键词 BIODIVERSITY forest areas of life African populations wood 生物多样性 经济生活 热带森林 社会文化 非洲 宗教 案例 传统医药
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