结合Inter Control主控制器和EPEC电磁阀控制器的特点,引入CANopen通信网络,实现了钻机系统数据实时传输。结合综合电液控制和遥控系统的优点,实现了掘进机钻机系统的遥控操作。该钻机系统在某矿下掘进面应用良好,系统稳定、可靠且故障点少,同时缩减了工人数量,提高了煤矿井下支护效率,改善了工人支护条件。
With the characteristics of the main controller Inter Control and the electromagnetic valve controller EPEC, introduced of CANopen communication network, realized the real-time transmission of drilling system data, the comprehensive advantages of electro-hydraulic control and remote control system, realized the remote operation of TBM drilling system. The drilling system was applied well in the mining face, which was stable, reliable, and has few fault points. At the same time, it reduced the number of workers, improved the support efficiency of underground coal mine, and improved the support conditions of workers.
Colliery Mechanical & Electrical Technology