
产品十化:重构企业竞争新优势 被引量:12

Ten Aspects of Product: Reconstruct New Advantages of Enterprisd Competition
摘要 本文着眼于供给侧结构性改革这一总体目标,立足于数字经济时代"产品为王"这一终极实现载体,旨在通过重构企业竞争新优势,在微观层面将供给侧结构性改革落到实处、细处。具体而言,包括十个方面,一是产品产业化,包括:产品成为产业、部件成为产业、区段成为产业。二是产品模块化,包括:双模块化、多模块化。三是产品平台化,包括:产品只是产品,保证核心功能;产品不是产品,打通多种功能;产品还是产品,借助实体终端。四是产品智能化,包括:从物理件到信息件、从物理件到连接件、从物理件到生物件。五是产品软件化,包括:产品形态虚拟、生产过程虚拟。六是产品概念化,包括:将文化要素引入产品构成、让文化资本成为企业资本、促使经济与文化融合发展。七是产品创意化,包括:把艺术形象产品化、把工业产品艺术化。八是产品广告化,包括:通过极致产品打造口碑、通过用户体验打造口碑、让消费者成为"粉丝"。九是产品金融化,包括:先支付后使用、先销售后生产、先收款后服务。十是产品循环化,包括:重构产品生命周期、实行产品回收制度、将废物资源化。 Supply-side structural reform is an important measure to improve the quality of China's economic de- velopment at present and in the future period. From the perspective of consumers, the ultimate evaluation of supply- side structural reform is whether the product can meet consumers' "age needs". From the perspective of producers, the final criterion for the success of the supply-side structural reform is whether the enterprise has the" age advanta- ges" in product competition. Meeting the" age needs" of consumers and making the" age advantages" in product com- petition are the two sides of one question. Based on the features of the age, this paper reconstructs new advartages of enterprise competition from the following ten aspects taking the product as carrier, adding new competitive strategies (competition-collaboration strategy, speed strategy, and long tail strategy)to the traditional competitive strategies (low cost, differentiation and target concentration). The first aspect is product industrialization, including product industrialization, part industrialization, and sec- tor industrialization. The competitive advantages of product industrialization include perfecting products and concen- trating resources, redistributing resources rationally and maximizing efficiency, and integrating internal and external resources and optimizing core capability. The second aspect is product modularization, including two modularity and multi modularity. Its competitive advantages include collaboration of scale production and individualized require- ment, simplification of value chain and decrease of transaction cost, shorted innovation cycle, and superior modular concentration and optimized product quality. The third aspect is product plafforming, including ensuring core func- tion, embracing multiple functions, and relying on the my of scale, domination of the value chain, and profit ding turning from physical goods to informative goods, tangible terminal. Its competitive advantages include econo- from contents. The forth aspect is intellectualization, inclu- connecting goods, and biological goods. Its competitive ad- vantages include long-term cost advantage, access barrier advantage, and profit channel advantage. The fifth aspect is product digitalization, including form virtualization and production process virtualization. Its competitive advanta- ges include zero marginal cost of production, profit by free good, and immediate updating. The sixth aspect is prod- uct conceptualization, including introducing cultural elements into products, cultural capital becoming enterprise capital, and integrating economy and culture. Its competitive advantages of product conceptualization include differ- entiation advantage by concept value, profit from cultural elements, and spiritual treasure from concept value. The seventh aspect is being creative, including art element becoming product element and product being artistic. Its com- petitive advantages include higher price than marginal cost, multiple value-added, and exclusive right. The eighth as- pect is being advertising, including creating good reputation through extreme products, creating good reputation through good user experience, and making consumers being fans. Its competitive advantages include reputation mar- keting, decentralized spread, and consumer loyalty. The ninth is financialization, including paying first and then u- sing, selling first and then manufacturing, and charging first and then providing service. Its competitive advantages include low market risk, extensive superior resources, and accurate market needs. The tenth aspect is cyclic convolu- tion, including reconstructing product life cycle, product recycling, and waste recycling. Its competitive advantages include intergenerational production cost, green competitive advantage, and maximized production efficiency.
作者 李海舰 周霄雪 LI Hai-jian ZHOU Xiao-xue(Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Beijing, 100836, China)
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期33-43,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 供给侧结构性改革 新优势 产品十化 supply-side structural reform new advantage ten aspects of product
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