
高绩效HRM实践能否减少雇员的离职倾向?——基于新经济行业与传统行业的对比 被引量:9

Can High-performance HRM Practices Reduce Employees' Turnover Behavior?——Based on the Comparison between New-economic Industries and Traditional Industries
摘要 中国经济转型时期,新经济行业和传统行业同时面临着高离职率的困境,企业高绩效HRM实践的应用,与雇员的离职行为密切相关。基于中国雇主—雇员匹配追踪调查数据(CMEELS),本文利用Probit模型对比分析了新经济行业和传统行业中HRM系统、具体HRM实践对雇员离职行为的影响机制,并进一步探讨了HRM系统对不同特征雇员的异质性效果。研究结果表明:HRM系统对雇员离职行为有显著负向影响,并且对新经济行业的作用效果比传统行业更大;HRM实践通过引导效应、淘汰效应和预期效应对雇员离职行为产生影响,但是HRM实践的影响方向并不一致;新经济行业中承诺导向型的实践更有效,而传统行业中控制导向型的实践更有效;HRM系统对不同职位级别、合同类型和企业类型的雇员离职作用效果存在着异质性。本文认为,要利用不同HRM实践维度的捆绑组合,并结合其他管理配套工作作为保障,来减少新经济行业与传统行业的雇员离职行为。 During China's economic transition period, the new-economic industries and the traditional industries are facing with the dilemma of employee's high turnover rates. In recent years, managers of domestic enterprises have deeply considered the application of high-performance HRM practices in Chinese context. According to the existing research theories and experiences of many countries, high-performance HRM practices not only have positive effects on enterprise performance and innovation, but also can improve employees' satisfaction, enhance organizational iden- tity and organizational citizenship behavior, thus affect their retention rates and productivities. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the employee turnover in the period of transition, from the perspective of high-performance HRM, which has a certain realistic meaning. First of all, this paper analyzes the theoretical mechanisms of high-performance HRM practices affecting employees' turnover behavior. Then based on the CMEELS data in 2012 and 2013 ,Probit model is used to analyze the marginal effects of HRM system and HRM practices on employees' turnover behavior. In the empirical analysis, the different effects of the whole sample, the new-economic industries and the traditional industries samples are sep- arately examined. After that, the heterogeneity effects of HRM system on employee turnover behavior with different job characteristics and different enterprise characters are discussed. The results show that: Firstly, the high-perform- ance HRM system has a significant negative impact on the employee turnover behavior, with the HRM system in- creases by one unit, leading the probability of employee turnover behavior to decrease by an average of 4. 32 per- cent, and in the new-economic industries, the marginal effect of HRM system( 5.56 percent)is higher than the tradi- tional industries (2. 95 percent) ; Secondly, the specific HRM practices have different effects on influencing mecha- nism of employees' turnover behavior, promotion space, career development and employee participation can reduce employees' turnover behavior by" guiding effect", while strict recruitment and performance management through the "expected effect" and" elimination effect" to increase employee turnover respectively; Thirdly, the effects of specific HRM practices demonstrate industry heterogeneity. Commitment-oriented practices in new-economy industries are more effective ,while control-oriented practices in traditional industries are more effective; Fourthly, the impacts of the HRM system on employees with different job levels, different contracts types and different enterprise types are heterogeneous, and are more effective in reducing the turnover behavior of the employees in lower or middle posi- tions levels,with the no-fixed-term contract, and in the state-owned/collective or foreignvfunded enterprises. Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposes the following suggestions: Firstly, build the high-perform- ance HRM system which adapts to the organization, and use different combinations of practices to form a competitive advantage in attracting talents. Secondly, the market dynamics, development models and employee requirements are essentially different between the new-economy industries and traditional industries, so the industries characteristics should be taken into account when HRM practices are implemented. Thirdly, enterprises in the application of HRM system need to distinguish the different job characteristics and different enterprises types, and it should be combined with other management support work as a guarantee.
作者 毛宇飞 曾湘泉 MAO Yu-fei ZENG Xiang-quan(School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China)
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期95-109,共15页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 高绩效HRM 雇员离职行为 经济转型时期 新经济行业 high-performance HRM employees' turnover behavior China's economic transition new-eco-nomic industries
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