
城市郊区耕地入选基本菜田的综合质量评价(英文) 被引量:2

Comprehensive quality evaluation on arable land allocated for basic vegetable production in metropolitan suburb
摘要 合理划定基本菜田是提升蔬菜生产能力、保障城市蔬菜均衡供应的基础。该研究在界定基本菜田内涵的基础上,构建平谷区耕地入选基本菜田的综合质量评价模型,以期为大城市郊区基本菜田布局提供科学依据。结果表明:1)从田块质量、生态适宜性、空间稳定性、交通区位与蔬菜种植习惯等4方面构建耕地入选基本菜田的综合质量评价指标体系,充分考虑了蔬菜生产对耕地质量的基本需求以及国家和农业部对基本菜田的政策要求,包含了水资源供需状况和重要水源保护区等指标,使得该研究的评价方法更合理;2)平谷区耕地的田块质量、生态适宜性、空间稳定性、交通区位与蔬菜种植习惯等评价结果呈现差异性分布。基于综合质量评价结果,将平谷区耕地图斑划分为最适宜区、较适宜区、一般适宜区和不适宜区。其中,最适宜区是基本菜田的首选区域,主要分布在平谷新城周边的东高村镇、夏各庄镇、山东庄镇和大兴庄镇,面积为3 472.33 hm2,占平谷区耕地总面积的28.25%;其次是较适宜区,面积为5 186.28 hm2;一般适宜区的面积为2 860.86 hm2,可作为基本菜田储备区域;不适宜区的土壤表土质地差、有机质含量低,加之远离平谷新城、交通不便等因素,不适宜划为基本菜田。3)建议围绕首都"菜篮子工程"建设,强化基本菜田的分级建设与保护,形成露地蔬菜、设施蔬菜和蔬菜园区相互补充的蔬菜生产格局。 Designation of basic vegetable land aims to improve production capacity and ensure a balanced supply of vegetables in urban areas. This research built a comprehensive evaluation model of arable land selected for basic vegetable production in the Pinggn District of Beijing in order to provide a scientific basis for allocating basic vegetable land in metropolitan suburb. The results showed that: 1) the primary needs of arable land quality for vegetable production and the policy requirement of the state and the Ministry of Agriculture for basic vegetable production were the fully considered in the comprehensive quality evaluation of arable land allocated. This focused on four aspects: land quality, ecological adaptability, space stability, road accessibility and planting habit, including the supply and need of water resource, main water source protection zone and other indexes; 2) based on the results of the above evaluation, the possible areas of arable land in Pinggu District were divided into the most suitable areas (〉82), suitable areas (〉75-82), sub-suitable areas (〉67-75) and unsuitable areas (≤67). Among which the most suitable area was the initial choice for basic vegetable production, an area of 3 472.33 hm2, which was mainly located in Donggaocun Town, Xiagezhuang Town, Shandongzhuang Town and Daxingzhuang Town around the Pinggu new town. Suitable area and sub-suitable areas were potential reserve areas for basic vegetable production. 3) It is suggested that by focusing on the construction of a "Non-Staple Food Project" in Beijing, the hierarchical construction and protection of basic vegetable land should be enhanced to form a vegetable production pattern with outdoor vegetable, facility vegetable and vegetable park mutually complementing with each other.
作者 刘玉 潘瑜春 任艳敏 胡月明 Liu YU Pan Yuchun Pen Yanmin Hu Yueming(Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beij'ing 100097, China National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beo'ing 100097, China School of Information, South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第17期271-279,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 The Science and Technology Innovation Capacity Building Project of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences(KJCX20170503) National Natural Science Foundation of China(41201173)
关键词 土地利用 评价 模型 基本菜田 空间布局 平谷区 land use evaluation models basic vegetable land spatial pattern Pinggu District
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