针对传统沟蚀监测手段劳作强度大,且数据采集的完整性、代表性受切沟复杂地形制约等问题,提出了一种针对植被稀疏地区沟蚀变化的地面激光扫描(terrestrial laser scanning,TLS)监测方法,形成了一套数据处理与侵蚀量计算技术流程。以河北省官厅水库东岸某大型切沟为例,利用高精度TLS进行两年3期野外监测与点云数据分析。通过点云配准、滤波、重采样及曲面拟合等预处理,生成不同采样分辨率下3期切沟表面模型,并提取地形信息;采用杨赤中滤波推估法计算并比较不同点云重采样分辨率下的沟蚀量。结果表明:(1)当点云重采样分辨率与切沟表面凹凸微结构暨石块粒径(2~6 cm)接近时,沟蚀量估算值趋于稳定、结果可靠;(2)经侵蚀作用,切沟外壁表面高程整体降低2~20 cm;(3)切沟内壁侵蚀量不均衡,坡度较大处侵蚀最为显著。
A gully is a kind of earth erosion resulting from many external forces.Given the huge labor intensity required in traditional gully monitoring methods and the great influence of complex terrain,a terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) method for gully monitoring and erosion estimation in the area of sparse vegetation is presented in this paper.A typical gully on the east bank of Guanting reservoir in Hebei Province was taken as a case study for TLS-based gully monitoring and erosions estimation using three phases of TLS data collected in a two year period.Applying TLS point cloud acquisition,registration,filtering,resampling and surface fitting,the surface models of the gully were reconstructed at different spatial resolutions,and the terrain information of the gully was extracted from the surface models.Erosion was estimated using the Yang Chizhong Filter at different spatial resolutions with resampled TLS point clouds,and compared.The results show that: 1) the estimated erosion was more stable and accurate when the spatial resolution of resampled TLS point cloud was equivalent to the size of concavo-convex structure (2 ~ 6 cm) of the gully,2) the general elevation of the gully decreased 2~ 20 cm during the monitoring period,3) the gully surface with the largest curvature showed the most significant erosion,and.
WU Lixin XU Zhihua FAN Songtao WANG Qiuling(School of Geosciences and In{o-physics, Central South University, Changsha 410006, China College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining ~ Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083,China Institute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe 065201, China)
Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
中央高校基本科研业务费(800015 kw)~~