通过参加BIM技术建模实践活动,学习了解了当前建筑业最先进的BIM技术(Building Information Modeling),即建筑信息模型。展现了平面图所不能带来的三维视觉效果和认知角度,同时了解了有关无人机技术、3D打印技术及高端的VR技术等新知识新技术,对社会的快速发展有了深刻的认知,对自己未来的努力指明了方向。
Through participating in BIM technology modeling practice, the most advanced BIM Technology(Building Information Modeling) in construction industry has been learned and understood, that is the building information model. To show the 3D visual effect and cognitive perspective which the plan can not bring, and to know about the UAV technology, 3D printing technology, high-end VR technology and other new technologies and new knowledge, have brought a deep understanding about the rapid development of the society,and pointed out the direction for the future efforts.
Value Engineering