
上海市嘉定区居民对慢性病相关政策的知晓率及满意度评价 被引量:6

Residents' awareness rate and satisfaction with related policies of chronic disease in Jiading District of Shanghai
摘要 目的了解上海市嘉定区居民对慢性病相关政策的知晓率、满意度及获益情况。方法采取拦截法在全区13家社区卫生服务中心门诊抽取650名前来就诊的居民进行问卷调查。结果居民对于居住周边绿化、体育设施、媒体慢性病防治知识宣传、就医环境、社区医院硬件建设及医疗服务水平满意的比例分别为91.60%、85.50%、96.79%、96.18%、95.57%和98.63%;居民对于高血压、糖尿病和肿瘤随访管理工作的知晓率分别为82.29%、78.63%和57.10%;对于高血压、糖尿病和肿瘤随访工作的获益率分别为43.97%、36.34%和18.50%;对于高血压、糖尿病和肿瘤随访管理工作满意的比例分别为99.42%、99.80%和98.96%;居民对于大肠癌筛查工作、两癌筛查、糖尿病运动干预、免费测血糖、35岁首诊测压、高血压免费服药、高血压自我管理、全民健康生活方式、慢性病宣传周及控烟条例的知晓率分别为79.17%、58.87%、50.46%、71.87%、68.35%、40.06%、60.70%、86.85%、54.13%和76.30%;对大肠癌筛查、糖尿病运动干预、免费测血糖、高血压免费服药和高血压自我管理等工作的满意率均为100.00%,对于两癌筛查、35岁首诊测压、全民健康生活方式、慢性病宣传周及控烟条例的满意率分别为99.74%、99.38%、99.28%、99.26%和99.30%。结论通过慢性病患者管理、高危人群发现和干预、健康知识传播等多种慢性病综合防控手段,嘉定区慢性病防控工作取了一定的成效,获得了居民的认可,但仍存在需进一步完善的地方,在今后的工作中,需充分利用信息化,加大对高危人群发现和干预、健康知识传播等的投入,以促进慢性病防控工作的持续发展。 Objective To ascertain the awareness rate,satisfaction degree and benefits obtained in relation to policies of chronic disease in residents of Jiading District of Shanghai. Methods A total of650 residents of 13 community health service centers were interviewed by questionnaires. Results The proportion of satisfaction for the living environment,sports facilities,media publicity of chronic disease prevention and control,medical environment,community hospital hardware construction and medical service were 91. 60%,85. 50%,96. 79%,96. 18%,95. 57% and 98. 63%, respectively. The residents' awareness rates for hypertension,diabetes mellitus and tumor follow-up management were82. 29%,78. 63% and 57. 10%,respectively. The benefit rates for hypertensive,diabetes and tumor follow-up were 43. 97%,36. 34% and 18. 50%. The proportion of satisfaction for hypertension,diabetes mellitus and tumor follow-up management were 99. 42%,99. 80% and 98. 96% respectively. The residents' awareness rates for colorectal cancer screening,two cancer screening,diabetes intervention,free blood glucose test,35-year-old first blood pressure test,free medication for hypertension,hypertension self-management,public health lifestyle,chronic disease publicity week and tobacco control regulations were 79. 17%,58. 87%,50. 46%,71. 87%,68. 35%,40. 06%,60. 70%,86. 85%,54. 13% and76. 30%,respectively. The rates of satisfaction were 100. 00% for colorectal cancer screening,diabetes exercise intervention,free blood glucose,hypertension free medication and self-management of hypertension. The rates of satisfaction for the two cancer screening,35-year-old first pressure test,national health lifestyle,chronic disease publicity week and tobacco control regulations were 99. 74%,99. 38 %,99. 28%,99. 26% and 99. 30%. Conclusion The prevention and control of chronic diseases in Jiading District has achieved certain results through the management of chronic disease patients,the discovery and intervention of high-risk groups,the spread of health knowledge and other chronic disease prevention and control measures. However,there is still a need for further improvement. In the future work,we need to make full use of information technology,and increase the discovery and intervention of high-risk groups,so as to promote the prevention and control of chronic diseases and its sustainable development.
出处 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2017年第9期681-685,共5页 Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 上海市嘉定区科委立项项目(2015026)
关键词 慢性病 政策 知晓率 获益率 满意度 chronic diseases policies awareness benefit satisfaction
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