

Survey on hygienic status of drinking water,Taiyuan city,2016
摘要 目的了解太原市生活饮用水卫生状况,进一步加强生活饮用水卫生监督管理工作。方法 2016年11月对太原市供水单位卫生管理情况进行调查,由调查人员采用现况调查的方法按照调查表填写。并对太原市市政水厂、城市自建水厂、农村集中式供水出厂水、二次供水末梢水、分散式供水水源水按照GB/T 5750-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准检验方法》进行采集、检测。结果集中式供水方面,卫生许可证持证率:市政水厂、城市自建水厂和农村集中式供水分别为100.00%、100.00%、0.57%;健康证明持证率分别为100.00%、100.00%、0.34%;水质消毒率:分别为71.43%、50.00%、0.23%;水质日检率:分别为71.43%、6.25%、0.00%;取水点周围有卫生防护措施:分别为100.00%、93.75%、33.30%;取水点周围无污染源:三者均在96.00%以上。除取水点周围无污染源外,市政水厂、城市自建水厂与农村集中式供水差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。市政水厂微生物指标合格率100.00%,城市自建水厂有12.50%菌落总数超标,农村集中式供水有13.99%大肠菌群不合格。三者之间在在微生物、毒理学、感观性状、化学指标方面差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。二次供水单位的卫生许可证持证、安全防护、水箱清洗消毒、周围无污染源及水质检验率均在93.33%以上,二次供水微生物指标总体合格率在96.00%以上。分散式供水水源污染率为3.04%;有15.00%菌落总数超标。结论太原市市政水厂在水质消毒、水质检验方面优于城市自建水厂和农村集中式供水;农村集中式供水卫生许可证和健康证持证率、卫生防护措施设置率、水质消毒率均低。 Objective To understand the hygienic status of drinking water in Taiyuan city,so as to further improve health inspection and management of drinking water. Methods Field hygienic investigation was conducted by professional medical workers in November 2016.The water quality was investigated by using the methods in Analytical Methods for Water and Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water. Results The holding rate of the sanitary permit license in the municipal water plants,self-constructed water plants and the centralized water supply in rural areas was 100.00%,100.00% and 0.57%;The holding rate of the health license was 100.00%,100.00% and 0.34%;The water disinfection rate was 71.43%,50.00% and 0.23%;The quality test rate of water was 71.43%,6.25% and 0.00%;The rate of health protection measures was 100.00%,93.75% and 33.30%;The rate of no pollutant source was 96.00% in all of the centralized water supply.The difference of the rates was statistically significant except for rates of pollutant source(P〈0.05);The eligible rate of microbial in the municipal water plants was 100.00%,The eligible rate of the total colonies in the self-constructed water plants was 87.50%,The eligible rate of the total amount of coli group in the centralized water supply in rural areas was 86.01%.The differences were not statistically significant in the eligible rates of microbial,toxicology(P〈0.05),sense organ and general chemical;The rate of the sanitary permit,health protection measures,tank disinfection,no pollutant source and the quality test of water in the secondary water supply was more than 93.33%,the eligible rate of microbial in the secondary water supply was more than 96.00%.The water pollution rate in the dispersal water supply was 3.04%,The eligible rate of the total colonies was 85.00%. Conclusion The water disinfection rate and the quality test rate of water are higher in the municipal water plants than that in the self-constructed water plants and the centralized water supply in rural areas.The holding rate of the sanitary permit,health protection measures rate and disinfection rate in the centralized water supply in rural areas are all low.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2017年第7期524-527,共4页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 生活饮用水 集中式供水 二次供水 分散式供水 Drinking water The centralized water supply The secondary water supply The dispersal water supply
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