
2011~2016年包头市流感监测 被引量:2

Surveillance on influenza surveillance,Baotou city,2011-2016
摘要 目的掌握包头地区流感流行特征和病毒变迁规律,为疾病的预警预测和有效控制提供科学依据。方法选取包头市2家三甲医院作为哨点医院,采集符合病例定义的病人的咽拭子,送实验室采用定量RT-PCR的方法进行流感病毒检测,并结合流行病学资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2011~2016年包头市共监测门急诊病例650 794例,其中流感样病例44 658例,占门急诊就诊病例总数的6.86%。从2012年开始到2016年,流感样病例就诊比例呈逐年下降趋势(P<0.01)。0~岁组所占比例最高为53.56%(23 921/44 658),其次是5~岁组,占流感样病例总数的24.14%(10 779/44 658)。6年中共采集流感样病例标本5 807份,阳性率为9.32%(541/5 807)。共检测到4种型别:甲型H1N1型、甲型H3型、甲型未分型、乙型,分别占21.81%(118/541)、31.42%(170/541)、1.66%(9/541)、36.78%(199/541)。流感病毒检出高峰多出现在每年的12月,占44.35%(230/541),其次是1月,占20.33%(109/541)。感染者主要是1~11岁的散居儿童、学生和幼托儿童,分别占38.63%(209/541)、34.57%(162/541)、20.15%(110/541)。病毒流行高峰期流感病毒优势毒株不同,呈现乙型和甲H3型交替出现的变迁规律。结论包头地区流感样病例集中在0~14岁,流感病毒检出阳性高峰在12和1月,主要感染1~11岁的散居儿童、幼托儿童和学生,并且每年的优势毒株不同。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of influenza and the changes of the predominant subtype of influenza virus in Baotou city,so as to provide scientific basis for making prevention and control strategies.Methods Two 3A-Grade hospitals were selected as sentinel hospitals in Baotou city,pharyngeal swab samples were tested by the method of RT-PCR,and descriptive epidemiological analysis was made on the epidemiological data. Results During 2011-2016,a total of 650 794 cases from outpatients were monitored in Baotou city,among whom 44 658 patients were ILI,accounting for 6.86%,the incidence of flu was on the decline from 2012 to 2016(P〈0.01).The highest rate was53.56%(23 921/44 658),in the 0-4age group,and that of the age group 5-15 was 24.14%(10 779/44 658).During 2011-2016,5 807 specimens were collected and the positive rate was 9.32%.Four influenza virus subtypes were detected,These subtypes were A(H1N1),A(H3),A(unclassified)and B,was accounting for 21.81%(118/541),31.42%(187/541),1.66%(9/541)and 36.78%(199/541).Influenza virus detection peaks were in December of each year,accounting for44.35%(230/541),followed by January,accounting for 20.33%(110/541).The main infections were among the 1-11 year old scattered children,students and preschool children,accounting for 38.63%(209/541),34.57%(162/541),and20.15%(109/541).The predominate strains were different during peaks,and subtypes altered between subtype B and subtype A(H3). Conclusion In Baotou City,the ILI cases are mainly in the 0-14 age group,the peaks of influenza viruses positive detection ae in December and January.Scattered children,preschool children and students aged 1-11 are the main groups of infection.The predominate strains are different each year.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2017年第7期552-555,共4页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 流感 监测 Influenza Surveillance
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