
CCS Research Development and Deployment in a Clean Energy Future: Lessons from Australia over the Past Two Decades 被引量:3

CCS Research Development and Deployment in a Clean Energy Future: Lessons from Australia over the Past Two Decades
摘要 碳捕集和封存(CCS)技术作为一种碳减排手段,虽未得到全方位认可,但其重要性已得到人们的广泛认可。但是,若要将全球温度上升幅度控制在低于2℃,则此技术的推广应用速度并不能满足相关的需求。虽然大规模推广CCS技术所面临的困难尚无法全部克服,但通过不断的研究、交流和规划,目前CCS技术已得到了极大丰富。我们知道如何进行相关操作,并自信能安全有效地完成相关操作;我们知道相关的成本情况,也知道目前成本正在不断降低,而且未来会继续降低。同时,我们也知道,只要各个国家、公司、团体继续将化石燃料用作能源及用于各种工业过程,则世界就会一直需要碳捕集和封存技术。我们缺少的是必要的政策驱动和技术上呈中性(不会增加二氧化碳排放)的方法,以达到及时、低成本地降低CO_2排放,并维持稳定的、安全的电力供应以保证能源密集型工业产品的生产和使用。我们以澳大利亚为例来说明过去20年内人们对碳捕集和封存技术所做的各种努力,尤其是在碳捕集和封存技术研究和示范工程以及国际合作方面所做的各种努力。在澳大利亚国内,碳捕集和封存技术的大规模推广进展非常慢。但全球最大的碳捕集和封存项目将作为Gorgon液化天然气项目的一部分,很快在澳大利亚国内投入运营,另外还有数个大规模的碳捕集和封存的旗舰级项目正在考察中。CO2CRC Otway项目是澳大利亚国内目前唯一一个运行中的二氧化碳封存项目。该项目目前正在进行一些细节方面的组织和推进工作。需要指出的是,如果要推广Otway项目,还需对地下岩石对封存CO_2的影响开展大量研究。如果要在全球范围广泛使用碳捕集和封存技术,国际能源机构和国际气候变化委员会等机构都认为我们面临很大的挑战,还有很多重大问题需要解决。要解决这些问题,全球各方必须紧密协作。 There is widespread, though by no means universal, recognition of the importance of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a carbon mitigation technology. However, the rate of deployment does not match what is required for global temperatures to stay well below 2℃. Although some consider the hurdles to achieving the widespread application of CCS to he almost insurmountable, a more optimistic view is that a great deal is now known about CCS through research, demonstration, and deployment. We know how to do it; we are confident it can be done safely and effectively; we know what it costs; and we know that costs are decreasing and will continue to do so. We also know that the world will need CCS as long as countries, companies, and communities continue to use fossil fuels for energy and industrial processes. What is lacking are the necessary policy drivers, along with a technology-neutral approach to decrease carbon emissions in a cost-effective and timely manner while retaining the undoubted benefits of ready access to reliable and secure electricity and energy-intensive industrial products. In this paper, Australia is used as an example of what has been undertaken in CCS over the past 20 years, particularly in research and demonstration, hut also in international collaboration. Progress in the large-scale deployment of CCS in Australia has been too slow. However, the world's largest storage project will soon be operational in Australia as part of the Gorgon liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, and investigations are underway into several large-scale CCS Flagship program opportunities. The organization and progress of the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Otway Project, which is currently Australia's only operational storage project, is discussed in some detail because of its relevance to the commercial deployment of CCS. The point is made that there is scope for building on this Otway activity to investigate more broadly (through the proposed Otway Stage 3 and Deep Earth Energy and Environment Programme (AusDEEP)) the role of the subsurface in carbon reduction. There are challenges ahead if CCS is to he deployed as widely as bodies such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) consider to be necessary. Closer international collaboration in CCS will be essential to meeting that challenge.
作者 Peter J. Cook
机构地区 CO
出处 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2017年第4期477-484,共8页 工程(英文)
关键词 二氧化碳 碳捕集和封存技术 Otway 澳大利亚 Carbon dioxide Carbon capture and storage Otway Australia
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